Madison County, MS



July 5, 2017



    1. Approve June 19, 2017 Board Minutes


      John Anderson

      1. Westside Trailer Park

        Lisa Williams / Walter McKay


              PUBLIC HEARING:

                CONSENT ITEMS:

                1. HR- Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
                2. RD- Acknowledge June 2017 Monthly Report Click Here
                3. RD- Acknowledge June 2017 Culvert Requests Click Here
                4. RD- Acknowledge June 2017 Closed Call Analysis Click Here
                5. RD- Acknowledge June 2017 Emergency Calls Click Here
                6. RD- Approve Geotechnical Investigation Proposed Southwest Fire Station with Burns Cooley Dennis, Inc Click Here
                7. RD- Acknowledge LSBPTransfer of Funds $17,225.86 Click Here
                8. RD- Acknowledge Engineering Departments Monthly Report Click Here
                9. RD- Approve and Authorize the Execution of Southwest Madison County Fire Station with Dale Partners Click Here
                10. RD- Aprove cSpire Utility Permit / Calhoun Parkway, Industrial Drive; AT&T/ Industrial Drive North Click Here Click Here
                11. TA- Acknowledge Various Years Real Property Increases Click Here
                12. TA- Approve 2016 Homestead Deletions Applications Click Here
                13. TA- Acknowledge 2016 Real Property Increases Click Here
                14. TA- Approve 2016 Real Property Decrease Click Here
                15. CHCLRK- Approve 16th Section Land Lease Contracts Click Here
                16. PC- Declare Sole Source Vender and Approve Purchase of Stun Guns for Constables Click Here
                17. PC- Authorize to Advertise for North Old Canton Road State Aid Project Click Here
                18. PC- Acknowledge Lowest & Best Quote For Rip Rap Necessary For Childress Road Bridge Project Click Here
                19. GIS- Approve ESRI, Inc. Software Maintenance Renewal Click Here
                20. EMA- Authorize and Approve Execution of the Surrender and Quitclaim Document Related to the MHP Tower Click Here
                21. CA- Approve CMPDD Request to Use Boardroom - August 8, 2017 Click Here
                22. CA- Approve Waste Managements Price Adjustments Click Here
                23. CA- Approve Office Assignment for South Madison Annex Click Here
                24. CA- Approve Recycle Notice to Waste Management Click Here
                25. COMP- Approve Constables Report Click Here
                26. IT- Approve Installation of 10MB Data Circuit at Justice Court by Southerm Telecommunications Click Here
                27. COMP- Declare Surplus Property, Authorize Removal from Inventory and Authorize Disposal Click Here


                  Sheila Jones, District 1

                  1. Library Board Appointment / Penny Davis

                    BUSINESS ITEMS:

                      Norman Cannady, Madison County Tax Assessor

                      1. Present 2017 Real / Personal Property Tax Roll Click Here

                        Dan Gaillet, County Road Manager / County Engineer

                        1. Robinson Road Bridge
                        2. Livingston - Vernon Box Culvert
                        3. Approve Acquiring Temporary Easement on Tithelo Road Click Here
                        4. Determine Necessity and Approve Draining Work at 106 and 108 French Branch, Canton, MS Click Here
                        5. Approve Re-Distribution of Road Funds Click Here
                        6. Approve Agreement Modification for Additional Environmental Work on Reunion Parkway Phase III Project Click Here
                        7. Approve Proceeding with Stribling Road Catlett Road Appraisal Click Here
                        8. Approve Acquisition of Right of Way for Cul-de-sac on Distribution Drive Click Here
                        9. Approve Restriction of Truck Traffic on Dave Brown Road Click Here
                        10. Approve Agreement for Professional Services with Neel-Schaffer, Inc. for Tisdale Road Click Here
                        11. Approve Hampton Ridge IVb of Caroline Final Plat Click Here
                        12. William Woodall

                          Carl Allen, Planning & Zoning Director

                          1. Approve Conditional Use for Communication Tower for GST Capital Partners Click Here
                          2. Approve Rezoning A-1 Agricultural to 1-2 Heavy Industrial for MMC Materials Inc. Click Here
                          3. Approve Conditional Use Mining Operations for JNJ, LLC Click Here
                          4. Authorize Cleaning Procedures for Saw Mill Quarters Click Here
                          5. Approve Coventry Preliminary Plat Click Here

                            Katie Bryant Snell, Board Attorney

                            1. Subrogation of Insurance Lien
                            2. Bob Montgomery - Green's Crossing Road

                              Shelton Vance, County Administrator

                                Buddy Voelkel, Comptroller

                                1. Budget Amendments & Interfund Transfers Click Here
                                2. Approve General Claims Docket July 5, 2017 Click Here
                                3. Approve Payroll Docket 1 June 26, 2017 Click Here
                                4. Approve Payroll Docket 2 June 27, 2017 Click Here
                                5. Approve Payroll Docket 3 June 28, 2017 Click Here
                                6. Approve Fleetcor Claims Docket June 30, 2017 Click Here

                                Ronny Lott, Chancery Clerk

                                  Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                                    Old Business

                                      New Business