Madison County, MS



March 5, 2018
9:00 a.m.



    1. Approve February 20, 2018 Board Minutes




        1. Notice of Increased Assessments Click Here


        1. HR - Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
        2. TA - Approve 2017 Homestead Amended Applications Click Here
        3. TA - Approve 2017 Personal Property Decreases Click Here
        4. TA - Approve 2017 Personal Property Increases Signed Click Here
        5. TA - Approve 2017 Personal Property Increases Unsigned Click Here
        6. TA - Approve 2017 Real Property Decreases Click Here
        7. TA - Approve 2017 Real Property Increases Signed Click Here
        8. CtyCrt - Approve Quote for Electronic Monitoring of Juvenile Offenders Click Here
        9. PC - Acknowledge Quotes on Voting Booths Click Here
        10. PC - Award Bid to Mid-South Machinery for Repair of Lee-Boy Paver Click Here
        11. IT - Renewal of Maintenance on BCD Websmart Software on the SO AS/400 Click Here
        12. IT - Approve Annual Per Employee Subscription for Use of Microsoft Office Click Here
        13. IT - Renewal of Maintenance on Monarch Software Click Here
        14. IT - Approve Purchase of Online IT Training Subscription, CBT Nuggets Click Here
        15. JuvDrgCrt - Approve Travel to MADCP Convention - Nisbett, Humphrey, Stringers, Barnts, Cunningham, O'Neal Click Here
        16. ChClrk - Approve Request to Void Tax Sale - 081F-13-467 Click Here
        17. ChClrk - Acknowledge Court Order for Payments to Special Masters and Attorneys Click Here
        18. CA - Approval of Tag Purchase(s) Click Here
        19. CA - Approve Request by Nursing Home for Assistance with Bid Specification and for Use of Reverse Bidding Tool Click Here
        20. CA - Acknowledge MDEQ Notice of Availability of 2016 State Report on Solid Waste Management Facilities and Activities Click Here
        21. CA - Approve Maintenance Agreement with TCSWare, Digital Evidence Pro Server, and Authorize Payment Thereof Click Here
        22. CA - Approve Registration and Travel For Board Members, Chancery Clerk, County Administrator, Comptroller, Board Attorney, Road Manager, and County Engineer to MAS Annual Convention, Biloxi, MS
        23. CA - Authorize Board President to Execute No Knowledge of Loss Letter to MASIT Click Here
        24. B&G - Approve Pay Application #7 FINAL, Paramount Construction, Cupola Repair Click Here
        25. B&G - Approve Pay Application #7, Richard Womack Construction, Gluckstadt Fire Station #3 Click Here
        26. B&G - Approve Certificate of Substantial Completion Courtroom and Administrative Area Click Here
        27. B&G - Approve Break Creek Water Invoice For Water & Sewer Installation at Gluckstadt Fire Station #3 Click Here
        28. B&G - Approve Use of Rogers Park / Rivers Click Here
        29. B&G - Approve Use of Courthouse Square / Dear Saxton Lampkin Click Here
        30. MOSQ - Approve Registration and Travel for Mosquito Control Employees to Attend Mosquito and Vector Control Annual Meeting Click Here
        31. ENG - Approve Utility Permit - Atmos Energy - Kearney Park Rd Click Here
        32. ENG - Approve Utility Permit - Bear Creek Water - Lake Castle Rd and Dewees Rd Click Here
        33. ENG - Approve Utility Permit - cSpire - Weisenberger Rd Click Here
        34. ENG - Approve Utility Permit - AT&T - Lake Caroline Click Here
        35. ENG - Approve Registration and Travel for Tim Bryan to Attend Deep South Institute of Transportation Engineers Conference, New Orleans, LA Click Here
        36. ENG - Acknowledge Monthly Engineering Report Click Here
        37. COMP - Declare Surplus Property and Authorize Disposal Click Here
        38. COMP - Approve Constable Fees Click Here
        39. COMP - Declare Surplus Property and Authorize Disposal Click Here
        40. RD - Acknowledge February 2018 Closed Call Analysis Click Here
        41. RD - Acknowledge February 2018 Monthly Report Click Here
        42. RD - Acknowledge March 2018 Culvert Request Click Here
        43. RD - Acknowledge March 2018 Service Call Schedule Click Here



            Pat Truesdale & Leroy Lacey, Election Commission

            1. Consideration of Alternate Precinct Location Click Here

              Scott Weeks, Planning & Zoning Director

              1. Approve Plat Amendment, Fallen Oak Subdivision Click Here
              2. Request for Conditional Use, Harold C. Perry, Mining Operation (Approved by Planning Commission) Click Here
              3. Robert and Rebecca Pope, Appeal on Rezoning Petition Click Here
              4. Approval of Site Plan and Sign Proposal, Guns N Gear (Approved by Planning Commission) Click Here
              5. Approve Site Plan, MMC Materials, Inc (Approved by Planning Commission) [Handout on Desk]
              6. Approve Sign Proposal, Wendy's (Approved by Planning Commission) Click Here
              7. Approval of Site Plan Revisions, Capitol Body Shop Click Here
              8. Draft Planning Commission Minutes (Not Approved) Click Here
              9. Approve Mining Renewal - Delbert Goodloe, Hwy 51N Click Here
              10. Approve Preliminary Plat, Hampton Ridge V of Lake Caroline Click Here

                Danny Lee, Building & Grounds Director

                1. Consideration of Change Order for Gluckstadt Fire Station #3 Click Here
                2. Consideration of Awarding Bid for EMA Roof Replacement Click Here

                  Dan Gaillet, County Engineer

                  1. Consideration of Design Exception New Castle Sub Part V Click Here
                  2. Acknowledge Monthly Bridge Report Click Here
                  3. Permission to Advertise for North Deerfield Construction

                    Katie Snell, Board Attorney

                    1. Kearney Park Fire Protection District Click Here

                      Shelton Vance, County Administrator

                      1. Approve Bear Creek Water Invoice, Fairview Park, February 2018 Click Here

                      Buddy Voelkel, Comptroller

                      1. Approve Budget Amendments and Interfund Transfers & Loans , March 5, 2018 Click Here
                      2. Approve General Claims Docket, March 5, 2018 Click Here
                      3. Approve Payroll Docket 1, February 18, 2018 Click Here
                      4. Approve Payroll Docket 2, February 24, 2018 Click Here
                      5. Approve Payroll Docket 3, February 26, 2018 Click Here
                      6. Approve Fleetcor Claims Docket, March 2, 2018 Click Here

                      Ronny Lott, Chancery Clerk

                        Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                          Old Business

                            New Business