Madison County, MS



March 19, 2018
5:00 p.m.



    1. Approve March 5, 2018 Board Minutes


      Ravi Rajangam

      1. Providence Subdivision Click Here

        John Van Landeghem

        1. "Vicious Dog"

          James Gross

          1. Magnolia Heights Subdivision


              PUBLIC HEARING:

              1. Cap Loan South West Madison Fire Station Click Here

              CONSENT ITEMS:

              1. HR - Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
              2. COMP - Approve Registration and Travel for Vance, Voelkel, Hawkins, Gleason, Hilliard, and Phillips to Attend MACAC/Chancery Clerk Spring Education Workshop, Jackson, MS Click Here
              3. COMP - Declare Property as Surplus and Authorize Disposal Click Here
              4. CA - Acknowledge Proposed Amendment Scott Co. Local Solid Waste Management Click Here
              5. CA - Approve Letter of Support for Greater MS Foreign Trade Zone Click Here
              6. CA - Acknowledge Request Regarding Region 8 Board Member Appointment Click Here
              7. CA - Approve Maintenance Agreement and Payment Thereof, Taser Assurance Plan - Axon Enterprise, Inc. Click Here
              8. CA - Approve Manintence Agreement and Payment Thereof, Avaya Software - Carousel Industries of North America, Inc. Click Here
              9. CA - Approve use of BOS Boardroom for Madison Election Commission Training Sessions Click Here
              10. CA -Approve Application for use of School Facilities 1 and Authorize Board President to execute Click Here
              11. CA - Approve Application for use of School Facilities 2 and authorize Board President to execute Click Here
              12. EMA - Approve Registration and Travel for Carpenter to Attend ESAP Conference Click Here
              13. EMA - Approve Road Name Change - Deer Ridge Rd - City of Madison Click Here
              14. EMA - Approve Naming of Private Road - Sones Drive Click Here
              15. Approve Use of Rogers Park /CHS Class 1998 Click Here
              16. TA - Approve 2017 Real Property Decreases Click Here
              17. TA - Approve 2017 Real Property Increase- Signed Click Here
              18. TA - Approve 2017 Homestead Amended Applications Click Here
              19. TA - Approve 2017 Personal Property Increases - Signed Click Here
              20. TA - Approve 2017 Homestead Exemptions Deletions Click Here
              21. B&G - Approve Professional Services Agreement for 158 West Cener St. Click Here
              22. B&G - Approve Amended Professional Sevices Agreement for Citizen's Service Feasibility Study Click Here
              23. PC - Approve March 2018 Procurement Card Rep Click Here
              24. PC - Approve Press and Seal Forms for Constables Click Here
              25. PC - Approve March 2018 Travel Card Reconciliation Click Here
              26. PC - Approve Use of Quote from Metrix for purchase of Office 365 subscriptions Click Here
              27. PC - Approve Declaration of Sole Source for Law Enforcement - Grade Stun Guns (Tasers) and Authorize Issuance of Purchase Order for Same Click Here
              28. PC - Approve DSS Paper Flow and Paper Vision Service Contract Click Here


                BUSINESS ITEMS:

                  Tom Lariviere, Fire Coordinator

                  1. Acknowledge Executed Fire Services Agreement - Camden Fire District Click Here

                    Frank Bordeaux, BXS Insurance

                    1. Renewal of MASIT Policy Click Here

                      Scott Weeks, Planning & Zoning, Director

                      1. New Castle Pt. V Plat Preliminary Click Here

                        Dan Gaillet, County Engineer

                        1. Approve Registration and Travel for Bryan and Gaillet to Attend MAS Annual Convention, Biloxi, MS Click Here
                        2. Permission to Advertise for Harvey Crossing Reconstruction Click Here
                        3. Permission to Advertise State Aid Project North Old Canton Road Click Here
                        4. Authorize and Approve for Greens Crossing Road Click Here
                        5. Authorize Change Order for Robinson Springs Road Click Here
                        6. Approve Fall's Crossing Phase 6 Click Here
                        7. Approve Permit for Bear Creek / Ashbrooke Blvd and Ashbrooke Trail Click Here
                        8. Approve Permit for Bear Creek / Ashbrooke Blvd and Stribling Road Click Here
                        9. Approve Permit for AT&T / South of Yandell and East of Hwy 51 Click Here
                        10. Sink Hole / 171 Northshore Blvd, Lake Caroline Click Here

                          Shelton Vance, County Administrator

                          1. Consideration of Request By American Red Cross Click Here
                          2. Additional Appropriation Request Madison County Citizens Services Click Here

                          Buddy Voelkel, Comptroller

                          1. Approve Budget Amendments & Interfund Cash Transfers & Loan Click Here
                          2. Approve General Claims Docket - March 15, 2018 Click Here
                          3. Approve Payroll Docket - 1 / March 5, 2018 Click Here
                          4. Approve Payroll Docket - 2 / March 7, 2018 Click Here
                          5. Approve Payroll Docket - March 13, 2018 Click Here
                          6. Approve Fleetcor Claims Docket - March 15, 2018 Click Here

                          Ronny Lott, Chancery Clerk

                          1. Authorize Void of 2017 Tax Sale Click Here

                          Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                            Old Business

                              New Business