Madison County, MS



October 1, 2018
9:00 A.M.



    1. Approve September 17, 2018 Board Minutes
    2. Approve September 27, 2018 Board Minutes




          CONSENT ITEMS:

          1. HR - Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
          2. B&G - Approve Pay Application #3 - Emergency Management Facility Roof Replacement - Roofing Solutions, LLC Click Here
          3. CA - Approve Travel and Related Expenses for MCCMA Annual Meeting / Vance / D'Iberville, MS / November 8-9, 2018 Click Here
          4. CA - Acknowledge Distribution of HAVA Grant Click Here
          5. CA - Acknowledge Owners Proposal for Buidling - North Liberty Street Click Here
          6. ChClrk - Acknowledge 2018 Recapitulation of Assessments of Real and Personal Property Click Here
          7. ChClrk - Acknowledge DOR Approval of One Mill Levy Click Here
          8. ChClrk - Approve Madison County Kofax Upgrade Services - Chancery Court Click Here
          9. COMP - Declare Property as Surplus and Authorize Disposal Click Here
          10. COMP - Approve Clerk of the Board Report - August 2018 Click Here
          11. ElecComm - Approve Election Testers - November 6th Election & November 27th Run-Off Election Click Here
          12. EMA - Approve Travel and Related Expenses for Fundamental of Search and Rescue Training for Kyrie Lucas, Seth Everett & TchiaKousky Williams / Meridian, MS / October 15-19, 2018 Click Here
          13. EMA - Approve Road Registry Change - McCraw Drive Click Here
          14. ENG - Approve Travel and Related Expenses for 2018 Deep South Institute of Traffic Engineers Fall Meeting / Gaillet & Bryan / Baton Rouge, LA / October 25-26, 2018 Click Here
          15. ENG - Acknowledge Monthly Report Click Here
          16. ENG - Acknowledge Bridge Report Click Here
          17. PC - Approve Press and Seal Forms for Constables Click Here
          18. PC - Approve Commodity Term Bids - October 8, 2018 - September 30, 2019 Click Here
          19. RD - Acknowledge Completion of Third Cycle of Mowing Agreement Click Here
          20. RD - Approve October 2018 Culvert Requests Click Here
          21. RD - Approve October 2018 Service Call Schedule Click Here
          22. RD - Approve September 2018 Closed Call Analysis Click Here
          23. RD - Approve September 2018 Monthly Report Click Here
          24. TA - Approve Tri-State Consulting Services Contract - QA/QC for Orthophotography Relate Services Click Here
          25. TA - Approve 2018 Real Property Decreases Click Here
          26. TA - Approve 2018 Real Property Increases (Signed) Click Here
          27. TA - Approve Real Property Increases Click Here
          28. TA - Aprove 2018 Homestead Amended Applications Click Here
          29. TA - Approve 2018 Homestead Exemptions Deletions Click Here
          30. TA - Approve 2018 Personal Property Increases (Signed) Click Here
          31. TA - Approve 2018 Personal Property Decreases Click Here
          32. TC - Approve Travel & Related Expenses for 2018 MACA Fall Conference / Kay Pace / Natchez, MS / October 22-24, 2018 Click Here


            BUSINESS ITEMS:

              Thad W. Varner, Butler Snow, LLP

              1. Short Term Note Sale Click Here

                Pat Truesdale, Election Commissioner

                1. Contract Parkway Pentecostal Church of Madison Click Here

                  John McKee, State Aid Engineer

                  1. SAP-45(14)M Old Canton Road Click Here

                    Danny Lee, Buildings & Grounds

                    1. 18068 Sulphur Springs - O/A Contract Click Here

                      Minor Norman, Fire Coorindator

                      1. Approve Travel and Related Expenses for FUNSAR Training / Minor Norman / Meridian, MS / October 15-19, 2018 Click Here Click Here

                        Albert Jones, Emergency Management

                        1. Consider Adoption - Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Click Here
                        2. Madison County 2018 Catastrophic Incident Annex Click Here
                        3. Madison County 2018 County Biological Incident Annex Click Here
                        4. Madison County 2018 County Cyber Incident Annex Click Here
                        5. Madison County 2018 County Food and Agriculture Incident Annex Click Here
                        6. Madison County 2018 County Nuclear / Radiological Incident Annex Click Here
                        7. Madison County 2018 County Terrorism Incident Annex Click Here
                        8. Madison County 2018 EBOLA Virus Disease Incident Annex Click Here
                        9. Madison County 2018 Financial Management Support Annex Click Here
                        10. Madison County 2018 Logistics Management Support Annex Click Here
                        11. Madison County 2018 Mutual Aid Support Annex Click Here
                        12. Madison County 2018 Volunteer and Donations Annex Click Here
                        13. Madison County 2018 Worker Safety and Health Annex Click Here

                          Dan Gaillet, County Engineer

                          1. Bozeman Road Widening & Reunion Parkway, Phase III Projects and for Board President Authorization Click Here
                          2. Authorization of Change Order for Harvey Crossing CO #1 Click Here
                          3. Public Hearing Request - Road Abandoment - Lep Childress Road Click Here
                          4. Engineer Selection Reunion Parkway, Phase II Click Here
                          5. Simpson Road Bridge Abandonment Click Here

                            Scott Weeks, Planning & Zoning

                            1. Sunflower Farms - Rezone I-2 Industrial to C-2 Commericial / Sowell Road West - Approved by the Planning Commission on 09-13-2018 Click Here
                            2. Cyd Davis-Landing - Rezone C-1 Commerical to A-1 Agricultural / 1091 Old Highway 16 - Approved by the Planning Commission on 09-13-2018 Click Here
                            3. Louis Gideon - Variance on front setback 100 ft. to 25 feet / Industrial Drive North - Approved by the Planning Commission on 09-13-2018 Click Here
                            4. Zoning Ordinance Amendments / Tabled from 08-09-2016 - Approved by the Planning Commission on 09-13-2018 Click Here
                            5. Gluckstadt Baptist Medical Clinic - Site Plan for new business / Corner of Gluckstadt Road and Lexington Drive - Approved by the Planning Commission 09-13-2018 Click Here
                            6. West of 55 - Site Plan Amendment / Dees Drive Lot 11-B Gluckstadt Commercial Center - Approved by the Planning Commission on 09-13-2018 Click Here
                            7. Nobility Income - 111 Bainbridge Crossing / Commercial Business operation in a (PUD) Plan Unit Development Click Here
                            8. Earnest Brooks - Hunt Avenue and St. Charles Street Inoperable Vehicles Click Here
                            9. James S. III and Charlotte A. Dinsmore - 1909 Barnes Road Commercial Business operation in an A-1 Agricultural District Click Here
                            10. Peggy Crews Manning - 913 North Old Canton Road Violation of maximum capacity of livestock on property, and no fowl are allowed in the R-1 Residential District Click Here
                            11. Sowell Road Commercial - Plat for 5 lots on Sowell Road Click Here
                            12. Highlands of Yandall Farms - Preliminary Plat for subdivision on Yandall Road. Property part of Planned Unit Development Click Here

                              Shelton Vance, County Administrator

                              1. Discussion on the Large Circuit Court Rooms Click Here
                              2. Acknowledge Letter Rezoning Request - 864 West Fulton Street Click Here

                              Greg Higginbotham, Comptroller

                              1. Approve General Claims Docket - September 28, 2018 Click Here
                              2. Approve Payroll Docket - September 27, 2018 Click Here
                              3. Approve Fleetcor Claims Docket - September 26, 2018 Click Here

                              Ronny Lott, Chancery Clerk

                                Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                                  Old Business

                                    New Business

                                    1. Adjourn Until Next Meeting - October 15, 2018 - 5:00 P.M.