Madison County, MS



February 19, 2019
5:00 P.M.



    1. Approve February 4, 2019 Board Minutes


      Cindy Yarborough, Mercedes-Benz/Higginbotham Automobiles, LLC

      1. Request Amendment to Personal Property Taxes Click Here

        Shannon Lott


              PUBLIC HEARING:

                CONSENT ITEMS:

                1. HR - Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
                2. B&G - Approve Use of Rogers Park - Warfield Click Here
                3. CA - Acknowledge 2019 Call for Nomination Mississippi Scenic Byways Program Click Here
                4. CA - Acknowledge Recommended Order before the Public Service Commission / Canton Municipal Utilities - Docket No. 2016-UN-254 Click Here
                5. CA - Acknowledge Recommended Order before the Public Service Commission / Canton Municipal Utilities - Docket No. 2016-UN-255 Click Here
                6. CA - Acknowledge Request & Response from Parkway South PID Trustee Click Here
                7. CA - Acknowledge Request for Payment and Subsequent Payment from Parkway South PID Trust Click Here
                8. CA - Authorize Preparation of Grant for Recreational Trails Program Click Here
                9. CA - Acknowledge MDEQ Public Notice - Carter Cress / Reissuance of Water Permit No. MSS060330 Click Here
                10. CA - Accept Low Quote from Security Support for Control Access to Circuit Court Click Here
                11. CA - Acknowledge Dale Partners Standard Forms of Agreement / Department of Public Safety Projects and Authorize Board President to Execute Click Here
                12. CA - Approve and Authorize Board President to Execute MDEQ Waste Tire Application Grant Application Click Here
                13. CA - Acknowledge MDEQ Release of Claims and Authorize Board President to Execute of Same Click Here
                14. CA - Appoint Kesha Buckner as Procurement Card Coordinator Click Here
                15. CA - Authority of Purchase Clerk Click Here
                16. CA - Approve Reimbursement Request of Waste Tire Grant and Authorize Board President to Execute of Same Click Here
                17. CA - Acknowledge Statewide Recycling Reporting and Measurement Program Click Here
                18. ChClrk - Approve Payment for Special Master & Attorneys Click Here
                19. ChClrk - Approve 16th Section Land Lease Contract Click Here
                20. COMP - Declare Property as Surplus and Authorize Disposal Click Here
                21. COMP - Approve Travel and Related Expense for American Payroll Association / Long Beach, CA / Myrtis Hawkins / May 14-18, 2019 Click Here
                22. COMP - Approve Transfer of Funds in Prepartion of Galleria TIF Payment Click Here
                23. EMA - Approve New Road Name - Hanks Trail (Private) Click Here
                24. IT - Approve for Renewal and Payment of Online Technical Training for IT Staff Click Here
                25. IT - Approve Renewal of Support Agreement for Cisco Switch for Avaya Phone System Click Here
                26. IT - Approve Service Agreement to make Programming Changes DWF&P Citations for Justice Court Click Here
                27. PC - Approve February 2019 Travel Card Reconciliation and Authorize Payment Thereof Click Here
                28. PC - Approve February 2019 Procurement Card Reconciliation and Authorize Payment Thereof Click Here
                29. SO - Approve Travel and Related Expense for USPCA Region 26 Training / Connor Smith / Ocean Springs, MS / February 27 & 28, 2019 Click Here
                30. TA - Approve 2018 Real Property Decreases Click Here
                31. TA - Approve 2018 Real Property Increases - Unsigned Click Here
                32. TA - Approve Real Property Increases Click Here
                33. TA - Approve Request Corrected Owner of Record for 2018 Tax Year Statement Click Here
                34. TA - Approve 2018 Homestead Exemption Amended Applications Click Here
                35. TA - Approve 2018 Homestead Exemption Deletions Click Here


                  David Bishop, District 4

                  1. Board Re-Appointment - West Madison Utility District

                    Paul Griffin, District 5

                    1. Madison County Citizen Services - Appointment Will Sligh

                      BUSINESS ITEMS:

                        Julia Hodges, Election Commission

                        1. Voting Precinct New Location
                        2. Voter Registration Cards

                          Scott Weeks, Planning & Zoning

                          1. Candice Jones - Request Permission to Replace Mobile Home on Property zoned, SU-1 Special Use District / Property Location - 694-C Old Rice Road Click Here

                            Katie Snell, Board Attorney

                            1. Vertex - Tax Exemption Request

                              Shelton Vance, County Administrator

                              1. Retiree Insurance
                              2. Acknowledge and Accept Low Quote from Raymond Perry to Paint Circuit Courtrooms Click Here
                              3. Approve Travel and Related Expenses for 2019 Emergency Preparedness Conference / Washington, DC / Albert Jones and Abonie Robicheaux / April 23-24, 2019 Click Here
                              4. Proposed Contract for Kearney Park Fire District Click Here

                              Greg Higginbotham, Comptroller

                              1. Approve Budget Amendments & Interfund Cash Transfers Click Here
                              2. Approve General Claims Docket - February 14, 2019 Click Here
                              3. Approve Payroll Docket - 1 / February 4, 2019 Click Here
                              4. Approve Payroll Docket - 2 / February 4, 2019 Click Here
                              5. Approve Payroll Docket - 3 / February 6, 2019 Click Here
                              6. Approve Payroll Docket - 4 / February 8, 2019 Click Here
                              7. Approve Payroll Docket - 5 / February 13, 2019 Click Here
                              8. Approve Planning & Zoning Commission Per Diem - February 14, 2019 Click Here
                              9. Discussion of Construction Invoices Click Here
                              10. Approve Fleetcor Claims Docket - February 14, 2019 Click Here

                              Ronny Lott, Chancery Clerk

                                Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                                  Old Business

                                    New Business

                                    1. Adjourn Until Next Meeting - March 4, 2019 - 9:00 A.M.