Madison County, MS



June 15, 2020
5:00 P.M.



    1. Approve June 1, 2020 Board Minutes


      Nicole Fernandze

      1. Kemper Creek


        1. John Brunini, Butler Snow - NCL Click Here
        2. John Brunini, Butler Snow - NCL Click Here
        3. Mayor Gene McGee, City of Ridgeland
        4. Ron Farris, Farris Law Group
        5. Katie Warren, Central MS Realtors
        6. Representative Jill Ford


          CONSENT ITEMS:

          1. HR - Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
          2. HR - Refund Health Insurance Premium Click Here
          3. CA - Acknowledge Proclamation - July Fourth Holiday 2020 and Approve Closing of Offices July 3rd Click Here
          4. CA - Acknowledge MDEQ Termination of Flora Waste Tire Collection Authorization Click Here
          5. CA - Approve Pay Application #13 / Sulphur Springs Park / Benson Builders & Properties / June 4, 2020 Click Here
          6. CA - Acknowledge CMPDD Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Request Click Here
          7. CA - Acknowledge MCEDA Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Request Click Here
          8. CA - Acknowledge Award Grant by Office of Justice Programs - Department of Justice Click Here
          9. CA - Approve HOME Grant Request for Cash and Authorize Payment of Vendors Upon Receipt of Funds From MS Home Corporation Click Here
          10. CA - Declare Vehicles to be Auctioned as Surplus and Authorize Disposal by Auction - Sheriff Department Click Here
          11. CA - Acknowledge Annual Maintenance Agreement MidSouth Elevator Maintenance and Authorize Payment Thereof Click Here
          12. ChClrk - Approve 16th Section Land Lease Contracts Click Here
          13. CtyCrt - Approve Lease Extension Contract - Key Drive Properties, LLC Click Here
          14. COMP - Declare Property as Surplus and Authorize Disposal Click Here
          15. COMP - Approve Clerk of the Board - April 2020 Click Here
          16. COMP - Approve Clerk of the Board - May 2020 Click Here
          17. ENG - Approve AT&T Utilities Permit - Yandell Road Click Here
          18. ENG - Approve cSpire Utilities Permit - Yandell Road Click Here
          19. ElecComm - Approve Subscription to LexisNexis for Election Commission – 1 user Click Here
          20. PC - Approve June 2020 Procurement Card Reconciliation and Authorize Payment Thereof Click Here
          21. PC - Approve June 2020 Travel Card Reconciliation and Authorize Payment Thereof Click Here
          22. Sheriff - Approve Annual Support Agreement for CAD RMS Jail Report Writing and Authorize Payment thereof Click Here
          23. Sheriff - Approve Annual Support Agreement for NCIC Software and Authorize Payment thereof Click Here
          24. TA - Approve Travel and Related Expenses for 2020 Certified Appraiser School / Joshua Jordan / Starkville, MS / September 14 -18, 2020 Click Here
          25. TA - Approve Proposal for Additional DeltaSketch and Apex Licenses with Delta Computer Systems Inc. Click Here
          26. TA - Approve 2019 Real Property Decreases Click Here
          27. TA - Approve 2019 Real Property Increases - Unsigned Click Here
          28. TA - Approve 2019 Personal Property Decrease Click Here
          29. TA - Approve 2019 Homestead Exemption Deletions Click Here
          30. TA - Approve Real and Personal Property 25% Extension and Authorize Board President to Execute Click Here


            BUSINESS ITEMS:

              Leroy Lacy, Election Commissioner and Anita Wray, Circuit Clerk

              1. Election Update

                Minor Norman, Fire Coordinator

                1. Acknowledge Notification Letter of Class 5 Insurance for South Madison County Fire Protection District Click Here
                2. Request Purchase of Fire Truck Click Here

                  Albert Jones, EMA Director

                  1. COVID-19 Emergency Declaration
                  2. E911 Emergency Declaration
                  3. Request Portable Radios - Canton Fire Department Click Here

                    Danny Lee, Buildings & Grounds

                    1. Courthouse Landscape Proposal Click Here

                      Tim Bryan, County Engineer

                      1. Right of Way Purchase - Oakland Boulevard Click Here
                      2. Right of Way Purchase - Yandell Road Click Here
                      3. Purchase of a Vehicle - Engineering Department Click Here

                        Scott Weeks, Planning & Zoning

                        1. Bob and Rebecca Atkinson - Extension on Mining Permit - 197 Horseshoe Lane / Supervisor District 4 Click Here
                        2. Food Truck / Transient Vendor Discussion - 30 day extension expires

                          Mike Espy, Board Attorney

                          1. Shannon Huff - Casmir Dr
                          2. Compensation Agreement Click Here

                            Shelton Vance, County Administrator

                            1. Rogers Park & Courtyard Rental
                            2. Addendum to Contract for Strategic Marketing Group, LLC and Authorize Board President to Execute Click Here
                            3. MDOT Mowing Contract Click Here

                            Na'Son White, Comptroller

                            1. Approve Budget Amendments & Interfund Cash Transfers Click Here
                            2. Approve General Claims Docket - June 12, 2020 Click Here
                            3. Approve Payroll Docket / 1 - June 1, 2020 Click Here
                            4. Approve Payroll Docket / 2 - June 10, 2020 Click Here
                            5. Approve Payroll Docket / 3 - June 11, 2020 Click Here
                            6. Approve Planning & Zoning Commission Per Diem - June 11, 2020 Click Here
                            7. Approve Fleetcor Claims Docket - June 12, 2020 Click Here

                            Ronny Lott, Chancery Clerk

                            1. 2020 Qualifying Election Commissioners Click Here

                            Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                              Old Business

                                New Business

                                1. Adjourn Until Next Meeting - July 6, 2020 - 9:00 A.M.