Madison County, MS



October 19, 2020
5:00 P.M.



    1. Approve October 5, 2020 Board Minutes



      1. Introduction of MCBOS Smart Phone App



        1. HR - Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
        2. CA - Contract for Professional and Technical Services with CMPDD for Geographic Information System Support Click Here
        3. CA - Acknowledge CMPDD 2020 - 2021 Work Program Report Click Here
        4. CA - Acknowledge Moody Rating Letter - Aa2 Click Here
        5. CA - Approve Household Hazardous Waste SWC617 Request for Cash and Authorize Board President to Execute Same Click Here
        6. CA - Approve HOME Grant Request for Cash and Authorize Payment of Vendors Upon Receipt of Funds From MS Home Corporation Click Here
        7. CA - Approve Memorandum of Understanding with the Secretary of State of the State of Mississippi and Madison County and Authorize Board President to execute Click Here
        8. CA - Approve Application for Funding Recreation Trail 20-RTP-341 Agreement for Sulphur Springs Park Trail and Authorize Board President to Execute Click Here
        9. CirCrt - Approve Annual Maintenance Courtroom Equipment - Infoware 2 Click Here
        10. COMP - Approve Reunion II Quarterly Report to DFA - 3rd Quarter 2020 and Authorize Board President to Execute same Click Here
        11. COMP - Approval of Schedule F - End of Year Inventory Report and Authorize Filing with the Office of State Auditor Click Here
        12. COMP - Clerk of the Board Report - September 2020 Click Here
        13. COMP - Declare Property as Surplus and Authorize Disposal Click Here
        14. ENG - Approve Bear Creek Water Association Utility Permit - Stribling Road Click Here
        15. ENG - Approve cSpire Utility Permit - Distribution Drive Click Here
        16. ENG - Approve cSpire Utility Permit - Yandell Road Click Here
        17. IT - Approve ITC Quote for Annual Software Support Program Click Here
        18. IT - Approve Renewal of Support Contract for Cisco Router - Emergency Management Click Here
        19. IT - Approve Maintenance Agreement with S4i Systems for Chancery Scanning System and Authorize Payment Click Here
        20. PC - Approve October 2020 Procurement Card Reconciliation and Authorize Payment Thereof Click Here
        21. PC - Approve October 2020 Travel Card Reconciliation and Authorize Payment Thereof Click Here
        22. PC - Request Purchase of Vehicles - Sheriff Department Click Here
        23. PC - Authorization to Advertise for Annex Re-Roof Project
        24. TA - Approve Tri-State Consulting Agreement Click Here
        25. TA - Approve 2020 Real Property Increases - Signed Click Here
        26. TA - Approve Real Property Increase Click Here
        27. TA - Approve 2020 Real Property Decreases Click Here
        28. TA - Approve 2020 Real Property Increase - Unsigned Click Here
        29. TA - Approve 2019 Real Property Increase Click Here
        30. TA - Approve 2020 Personal Property Decreases Click Here
        31. TA - Approve 2020 Homestead Exemption Deletions Click Here
        32. TC - Approve Travel and Related Expenses for 2020 Mississippi Assessors & Collectors Association Conference (MACA) / Kay Pace / Bay St. Louis, MS / October 25 -29, 2020 Click Here



            Thad Varner, Butler Snow & Steve Pittman, Government Consultants

            1. Opening bids and awarding sale of the County’s Taxable General Obligation Bonds, Series 2020C Click Here

              Derrick Cowan

              1. Request for Property Tax Exemption - First Baptist Ridgeland Properties Click Here

                Scott Weeks, Director, Planning & Zoning

                1. Mary A. Dixon – Request to place mobile home in Residential District - 3152 Hwy. 43 - Supervisor District – 5 Click Here

                  Tim Bryan, County Engineer

                  1. Authority to Advertise for Construction Click Here
                  2. Amended Supplemental Agreement #2 - Bozeman Road Project Click Here
                  3. Legal Contract for Eminent Doman - Reunion Parkway Phase 3 Click Here
                  4. Board Resolution Click Here

                    Mike Espy, Board Attorney

                    1. Purchase of Real Estate

                      Shelton Vance, County Administrator

                      1. Consideration of Lease Renewal – District Attorney’s Office Click Here
                      2. Disposal of Property - City of Canton Public Works and Authorize Board President to Execute Click Here
                      3. Approve Carousel Maintenance Contract Renewal and Authorize Payment - Board of Supervisors Click Here
                      4. HOME Grant Contract Extension Letter Click Here

                      Na'Son White, Comptroller

                      1. Approve Budget Amendments & Interfund Cash Transfers Click Here
                      2. Approve General Claims Docket Click Here
                      3. Approve Payroll Docket / 1 - October 12, 2020 Click Here
                      4. Approve Payroll Docket / 2 - October 14, 2020 Click Here
                      5. Approve Parkway South Public Improvement - Assessment Bonds Series 2007 Click Here
                      6. Approve FY 2020 Final Amended Budget Click Here
                      7. Approve Planning & Zoning Commission Per Diem - October 15, 2020 Click Here
                      8. Approve Fleetcor Docket Click Here

                      Ronny Lott, Chancery Clerk

                        Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                        1. Approval of Application to Wireless Commission for MSWIN Radios

                        Old Business

                          New Business

                          1. Adjourn Until Next Meeting - November 2, 2020 - 9:00 A.M.