Madison County, MS



August 5, 2013
9:00 a.m.



    1. Approve July 1, 2013 Board Minutes Click Here
    2. Approve July 15, 2013 Board Minutes Click Here


    1. Objections to Equalization of 2013 Assessment Roll Click Here
    2. Notices to Increase Assessment of 2012 Real/Personal Property Click Here
    3. Objections to Equalization of 2013 Assessment Roll / F. Chandler MD Click Here
    4. Objections to Equalization of 2013 Assessment Roll / Property Tax Associates - Various Properties Click Here
    5. Objections to Equalization of 2013 Assessment Roll / Phelps Dunbar LLP - Various Properties Click Here
    6. Objections to Equalization of 2013 Assessment Roll / Southern AG Credit Click Here
    7. Petition to Rezone A-1 to C2 / Linda Upton Click Here
    8. Objections to Equalization of 2013 Assessment Roll / Property Valuation Services Click Here


    1. Approve Monthly Credit Card Report / Sheriff's Dept Click Here
    2. Approve Monthly Credit Card Report / General County Click Here
    3. Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
    4. Nunc Pro Tunc Minutes of June 17, 2013 Click Here
    5. Update Road Registry / Seville Way Lake Caroline Click Here
    6. Acknowledge Redemption of Land Sold for Taxes Report / June 2013 Click Here
    7. Approve the Clerk of the Board Report Click Here
    8. Approve Final Order / Ad Valorem Taxation Exemption / Tower Automotive Operations USA I Click Here
    9. Approve Final Order / Ad Valorem Taxation Exemption / M-Tek, Inc Click Here
    10. Approve Application for Industrial Exemption / Sun Pine Corporation Click Here
    11. Approve and Ratify Proclamation Honoring Mr. Julius L. Sanders Click Here
    12. Approve Application for One Mill Levy Click Here
    13. Acknowledge Certificate Allowing Tax Assessor Salary Allowance Click Here
    14. Approve Request for Variance to Required Side Setback in R-2 / Belle Terre Sub / Scott Gideon Click Here
    15. Approve Request for Variance to Required Rear Setback of Accessory Structure in A1 / Hector Valdez Click Here
    16. Approve Site Plan for Commercial Building / Aulenbrock Drive / Michael Stewart Click Here
    17. Approve Participation on the Mid-Mississippi Strike Team Click Here
    18. Approve Gated Public Streets / Twin Cedars - Hollow Quail Click Here
    19. Approve Utility Permits Click Here
    20. Acknowledge Road Dept Monthly Report / July 2013 Click Here
    21. Acknowledge Road Dept Closed Analysis Report / July 2013 Click Here
    22. Acknowledge Road Dept Service Call Schedule / August 2013 Click Here
    23. Approve Road Dept Culvert Request / July 2013 Click Here
    24. Approve Request to Purchase (2) Handheld Radios from E-911 Funds for Southwest Fire Dept / $580.00 Click Here
    25. Approve Request to Purchase (13) Police Tahoes / Sheriff's Dept $334,452.00 Click Here
    26. Approve Refund and Authorize Payment / Ms. Sharda Robinson Click Here
    27. Acknowledge FY2013 Emergency Management Performance Grant - CDFA #97.042 Click Here
    28. Approve Request for Reimbursement from DRA-West Madison Click Here
    29. Acknowledgment of Completion: MOU w/City of Madison – Northbay Click Here
    30. Acknowledgment of Completion: MOU w/City of Madison – Quail Run Click Here
    31. Approve Request Declaring Homestead Chargeback Invalid Click Here
    32. Approve 2014 AOP Grant Proposal Click Here
    33. Approve 2014 AOP Contract for Counseling Services Click Here
    34. Approve Single Audit Affidavit for West Madison Utility Project Click Here


      Scott Penn

      1. Discuss the Hauling Policy


          Ty Jones

          1. Extension Service Update

            Election Commission

            1. Presentation / Changes in Precincts

              Brad Sellers, Planning and Zoning Administrator

              1. Approve Preliminary Plat / Lake Crossing Click Here
              2. Request to Clean Property / Old Orchard Road -Germantown Sub/ Shawn and Karen Harness Click Here
              3. Request to Clean Property / 1075 Sulphur Springs Road / Charles and Ora Leonard Click Here
              4. Request to Clean Property / 1079 Sulphur Springs Road / Matthew and Tammy Logan Click Here
              5. Request Authority to Initiate Notification for Cleaning of Properties Click Here
              6. Consider Complaint Regarding Sign / Stokes Road Click Here
              7. Consider Scott Lively Zoning Matter / Lake Lorman Click Here

                Rudy Warnock, Warnock & Associates, LLC

                1. Recommend Award of Contract - Dickerson & Bowen, Inc $593,794.55 / Rice Rd Phase 3 Maintenance Overlay Click Here
                2. Acknowledge Corps of Engineers Permit for Sulphur Springs Park Click Here
                3. Present Letter to State Aid - LSBP Funds Click Here
                4. Present Panther Creek Connector Road MDEQ SCNOI Permit for Board Approval & Admin. Signature Click Here
                5. Request Board Execution of Contract Documents / West Madison Sanitary Sewer Rehab Proj. Click Here
                6. Request Board Execution of 2014 Bridge Inspection Program Form Click Here
                7. Discuss County-wide Drainage Plan Click Here

                  Shelton Vance, Comptroller

                  1. Approve Budget Amendments / August 5, 2013 Click Here
                  2. Approve General Claims Docket / August 5, 2013 Click Here
                  3. Approve Payroll Docket 1 / July 17, 2013 Click Here
                  4. Approve Payroll Docket 2 / July 29, 2013 Click Here
                  5. Request Authority to Advertise Budget Hearing
                  6. Approve Southcentral Miss Workforce Work Experience Modification Form Click Here
                  7. Approve Payroll Docket 3 / July 31, 2013 Click Here
                  8. Request Permission to Advertise in Mississippi Supervisor Magazine Click Here
                  9. Approve Fleetcor Claims Docket / August 5 Click Here
                  10. Approve Renewal of Insurance Plans - Medical, Dental, Vision, Life and Reinsurance Click Here
                  11. Update MOU w/City of Madison
                  12. Discuss State Required Background Check

                  Arthur Johnston, Chancery Clerk

                    Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                      Old Business

                      1. Approve Resolution South Madison Annex Click Here

                      New Business