Madison County, MS



September 19, 2022
9:00 A.M.



      Chancery Clerk, Ronny Lott

      1. Approve September 6, 2022 Board Minutes


          James Smith, Jr.

          1. Race Track Hours Click Here


              PUBLIC HEARING:

                CONSENT ITEMS:

                1. HR - Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
                2. B&G - Approve Use of Rogers Park - Thomas Click Here
                3. B&G - Approve Use of Rogers Park - Zion Chapel Church Click Here
                4. B&G - Approve Use of Courthouse Grounds - Madison County Soil & Water Conservation Click Here
                5. B&G - Approve Use of Courthouse Grounds - Canton Flea Market - October 8, 12 & 14, 2022 Click Here
                6. CA - Approve Participation in the USDA Beaver Control Program and Authorize Board President to Execute Agreement Click Here
                7. CA - Acknowledge De-obligation of Funds and Authorize Board President to Sign Click Here
                8. CA - Acknowledge Letter from Mannsdale Heritage Foundation Click Here
                9. CA - Acknowledge Letter from District Attorney Click Here
                10. ChClrk - Approve 16th Section Land Leases Click Here
                11. COMP - Reinstatement of Property Previously Declared Surplus Click Here
                12. COMP - Declare Property as Surplus and Authorize Disposal Click Here
                13. COMP - Approve Disposal of Property via Transfer to Hancock County Click Here
                14. COMP - Approve Request for Payment From Mississippi Development Authority Industry Incentive Financing Revolving Fund Click Here
                15. EMA - Approve Travel and Related Expenses for 2022 MCDEMA Mid-Winter Conference / Knight, Everett & Jones / Philadelphia, MS / November 15-17, 2022 Click Here
                16. EMA - Approve Travel and Related Expenses for 2022 Mississippi 911 Coordinator Conference / Jones & Knight / Biloxi, MS / October 24-28, 2022 Click Here
                17. ENG - Approve AT&T of Mississippi Utility Permit - Stribling Road Click Here
                18. ENG - Approve Telepak Networks, Inc. / cSpire Utility Permit - Robinson Springs Road Click Here
                19. IT - Approve Renewal of Support Contract for Cisco Router - Emergency Management Click Here
                20. IT - Approve Maintenance Agreement with S4i Systems for Chancery Scanning System and Authorize Payment Click Here
                21. PC - Approve September 2022 Procurement Card Reconciliation and Authorize Payment Thereof Click Here
                22. PC - Approve September 2022 Travel Card Reconciliation and Authorize Payment Thereof Click Here
                23. P&Z - Approve Travel and Related Expenses for 2022 Mississippi 911 Coordinator Conference / LaTashee McLaurin / Biloxi, MS / October 24-28, 2022 Click Here
                24. TA - Approve Maintenance Subscription Renewal of CDW-G AutoCad Click Here
                25. TA - Approve Computer Software Support Agreement Addendum with Delta Computer Systems Inc. - Tax Assessor Click Here
                26. TA - Approve 2022 Personal Property Decreases Click Here
                27. TA - Approve 2022 Personal Property Increase Click Here
                28. TA - Approve Tri-State Consulting Agreement Click Here


                  Trey Baxter, District 2 & Gerald Steen, District 3

                  1. Appointment of CMPDD Board of Directors
                  1. Approve Travel for Board Members & Board Attorney to Washington, DC - September 20-22, 2022

                  BUSINESS ITEMS:

                    Judge Ratcliff, Circuit Court

                        Madison County Wastewater Authority

                            Dave Van, Region 8 Executive Director

                            1. Region 8 Mental Health Annual Report

                              Tim Bryan, County Engineer

                              1. Permission to Subcontract - SAP-45(61) Heindl Road Bridge Subcontract Requests Click Here
                              2. Utility Agreement with Bear Creek Water Association - Bozeman Road Water/Sewer Relocations Click Here
                              3. Final Plat - Woodscape, Phase 4 Click Here
                              4. Modification of 2022 Road Plan Click Here

                                Scott Weeks, Planning & Zoning

                                1. Charlton Place Part 2 - Combining Lots 35 and 36 into one Lot / Supervisor District 4 Click Here
                                2. Green Acres Subdivision - Preliminary Plat for six lots - Lots Ranging from 11 acres to 12.15 acres - Location - Sharon Road and Moss Road / Supervisor District 5 Click Here

                                  Mike Espy, Board Attorney

                                      Greg Higginbotham, County Administrator

                                        Na'Son White, Comptroller

                                        1. Approve Budget Amendments & Interfund Cash Transfers Click Here
                                        2. Approve General Claims Docket - September 15, 2022 Click Here
                                        3. Approve Payroll Docket - 1 / September 14, 2022 Click Here
                                        4. Approve Planning & Zoning Commission Per Diem - September 2022 Click Here
                                        5. Approve Clerk of the Board - August 2022 Click Here
                                        6. Approve Fleetcor Docket - September 15, 2022 Click Here

                                        Ronny Lott, Chancery Clerk

                                          Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                                            Old Business

                                              New Business

                                              1. Adjourn Until Next Meeting - September 30, 2022 - 9:00 a.m.