Madison County, MS



June 16, 2014
9:00 a.m.




      1. Notices to Increase Assessment of Real/Personal Property Click Here


      1. Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
      2. Acknowledge Certificate of Completion for West Madison CDBG Project # 1129-12-288-PF-01 Click Here
      3. Approve 16th Section Land Lease Contracts Click Here
      4. Acknowledge Lakes at Grandview PID Annual Budget for Fiscal 2015 Click Here
      5. Acknowledge Colony Park PID Annual Budget Fiscal 2015 Click Here
      6. Approve 2013 Real Property Increases / Unsigned Click Here
      7. Approve 2013 Real Property Increase / Signed Click Here
      8. Approve 2013 Homestead Exemption Deletions Click Here
      9. Approval to Transfer Mapping and Reappraisal Fund ($300,000) to General Fund Click Here
      10. Approval to Transfer MDES Surety Funds Click Here
      11. Accept AOP Monitoring Report and Authorize Repayment of $450.24 to State Treasurer - Department of Human Services Click Here
      12. Approve Use of Historic Courthouse Grounds / Various Click Here
      13. Acknowledge Tax Collector Budgetary Salary Adjustments Click Here
      14. Appoint Myrtis Sims Receiving Clerk Effective July 1, 2014
      15. Appoint Rhine Chesteen Inventory Control Clerk Effective July 1, 2014
      16. Approve Professional Services Contract with Rogers and Associates Click Here
      17. Approve 2015 AOP Grant Renewal and Authorize Board President to Execute the Same Click Here
      18. Declare Surplus Property and Approve Deletion of Inventory Items Click Here
      19. Approve Agreement with Election Systems & Software Click Here
      20. Request to Clean Property / Louis Gideon - Parkway East Click Here
      21. Approve the Clerk of the Board Report Click Here
      22. Authorize Road Department Business Manager Andrew Grant to Attend MAS Conference
      23. Authorize Reimbursement to Sheriff from State and Local Drug Fund Click Here


        Vanessa Jones

        1. Appeal Road Claim Click Here


            Brad Sellers, Planning and Zoning Administrator

            1. Discussion of Race Track Hours of Operation / James Smith Click Here
            2. Request Authorization to Initiate Cleaning Process / Ida P. Clifton - Magnolia Heights Click Here
            3. Request Authorization to Initiate Cleaning Process / Inez Dixon - Magnolia Heights Click Here
            4. Request Authorization to Initiate Cleaning Process / Jeffery Robinson-Ard - Turning Point Rd Click Here
            5. Request Authorization to Initiate Cleaning Process / Amelia Jackson Johnson - Old Canton Rd Click Here

              Mark Houston, County Administrator and Mike Harvey, County Insurance Representative

              1. Discussion of Property Insurance Proposal # 1 Click Here
              2. Discussion of Property Insurance Proposal # 2 Click Here

                John Bell Crosby, Supervisor, District 1

                1. Consideration of MOU with City of Ridgeland Concerning City Streets Click Here

                  Gerald Steen, Supervisor, District 3

                  1. Consideration of MOU with City of Ridgeland Concerning Wheatley Street Click Here
                  2. State Aid Update

                    Danny Lee, Building & Grounds Director

                    1. Discussion of Circuit Court Renovation Project Click Here

                      Rudy Warnock, Warnock & Associates, LLC

                      1. Update on LSBP Projects: Dobson Ave / Cane Creek Rd Click Here
                      2. Present Smith Carr Rd Realignment Exhibit and Cost Estimate Click Here
                      3. Present Stribling Road - Hwy 463 Intersection Improvements Exhibit and Cost Estimate Click Here
                      4. Present Germantown Middle School Turn Lane Exhibit and Cost Estimate Click Here
                      5. Re-Ratification of Final Plat / Twelve Oaks Estate Click Here

                        Mark Houston, County Administrator

                        1. Discussion of Planning and Zoning Director Position

                        Shelton Vance, Comptroller

                        1. Approve Budget Amendments / June 16, 2014 Click Here
                        2. Approve General Claims Docket / June 16, 2014 Click Here
                        3. Approve Payroll Docket 1 / June 4, 2014 Click Here
                        4. Approve Payroll Docket 2 / June 10, 2014 Click Here
                        5. Approve Fleetcor Claims Docket / June 16, 2014 Click Here

                        Cynthia Parker, Chancery Clerk

                          Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                            Old Business

                              New Business