Madison County, MS



July 21, 2014
4:30 p.m.




      1. Notices to Increase Assessment of Real/Personal Property Click Here
      2. Resolution of Intent to Purchase Property / Mt. Leopard Road Click Here


      1. Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
      2. Request Authority to Advertise for Term Bids Click Here
      3. Acknowledge Tax Sale Redemption Settlement & Reconcilation Report Click Here
      4. Approve Petition Request for Curbside Residental Recycling / Arrington Subdivision Click Here
      5. Approve Indemnity Agreement and Authorize Board President to Execute the Same Click Here
      6. Establish Budget Committee of Board Pres, Board Vice Pres, Administrator and Comptroller
      7. Approve Application to Apply for One Mill Levy Proceeds Click Here
      8. Approve 16th Section Land Lease Contracts Click Here
      9. Approve Road Claim / Patrick Henderson / Brown Dr - $980.39 Click Here
      10. Approve Site Plan for New Commercial Building / Quality Glass Click Here
      11. Approve 2013 Real Property Decreases Click Here
      12. Approve 2013 Real Property Increases / Signed Click Here
      13. Approve 2013 Personal Property Increases / Signed Click Here
      14. Approve 2013 Homestead Exemption Deletions Click Here
      15. Approve 2013 Homestead Amended Applications Click Here
      16. Approve Attendance of Shelton Vance, Myrtis Sims, Rhine Chesteen, Clara Latiker & Andrew Grant for Certif Training / Receiving - Inventory Control Clerks Click Here
      17. Authorize Reinsurance of Stale Check to Earl Banks Click Here
      18. Approve Monthly Credit Card Report – General County Click Here
      19. Approve Use of Historic Courthouse Grounds / Various Click Here
      20. Acknowledge AMR Rate Change Letter Click Here
      21. Approve MASIT Member Agreement Click Here



          Steve Pittman, Government Consultants and Sue Fairbank, Baker Donelson

          1. Consideration of Bond Resolution Click Here
          2. Preliminary Official Statement Click Here
          3. Bond Purchase Agreement Click Here
          4. Escrow Trust Agreement Click Here
          5. Underwriter's G-17 Disclosure Letter Click Here

            Phyllis Doby, MS Scenic Byway & Leslie Childress, Mayor, Town of Flora

                Ike Haynes, Superintendent - Canton Public School District

                1. Discuss Entry Plan Click Here

                  John Bell Crosby, Supervisor District 1

                  1. Discussion of Lost Rabbit Board Members
                  2. Discussion of the Road Plan

                    Scott Weeks, Interim Planning and Zoning Administrator

                    1. Consider Request to Replace Burned Home / Angela Pack Click Here
                    2. Request Authorization to Initiate Cleaning Process / Daughtry Land Co. Inc. - Lot 29 King Ranch Community Phase I Click Here
                    3. Request Authorization to Initiate Cleaning Process / Daughtry Land Co. Inc. - Lot 31 King Ranch Community Phase I Click Here

                      Mack Pigg, County Fire Coordinator

                      1. Discussion of Coker Road Property

                        Butch Hammack, Emergency Management Director

                        1. Acknowledge 16th Section Lease Agreement and Authorize Board President to Execute the Same Click Here
                        2. Acknowledge MEMA FY 2014 Emergency Performance Grant and Authorize Board President to Execute the Same Click Here

                          Rudy Warnock, Warnock & Associates, LLC

                          1. Update on Robinson Springs Road
                          2. Discussion of Fill Material for MCEDA Site Click Here
                          3. Discussion of Eagles Nest of Caroline Click Here

                            Mark Houston, County Administrator

                            1. Discussion of Overtime Policy Click Here

                            Shelton Vance, Comptroller

                            1. Approve Budget Amendments / July 21, 2014 Click Here
                            2. Approve General Claims Docket / July 21, 2014 Click Here
                            3. Approve Payroll Docket 1 / July 11, 2014 Click Here
                            4. Approve Payroll Docket 2 / July 16, 2014 Click Here
                            5. Approve Payroll Docket 3 / July 18, 2014 Click Here
                            6. Approve Fleetcor Claims Docket / July 21, 2014 Click Here

                            Cynthia Parker, Chancery Clerk

                              Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                                Old Business

                                  New Business