Madison County, MS



October 20, 2014
4:30 p.m.




      1. Resolution of Intent / South Madison Co Fire District Annexation Click Here


      1. Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
      2. Acknowledge MDOT Letter Click Here
      3. Approval of Engagement Letter for Preparation of Financial Statements Click Here
      4. Approve Payment / City of Madison MOU Click Here
      5. Approve 16th Section Land Lease Contracts Click Here
      6. Acknowledge Tax Sale Redemption Settlement & Reconciliation Report Click Here
      7. Acknowledge Veterans' Day Holiday / November 11, 2014 Click Here
      8. Authorize LeeAnn Sanders as Sheriff's Office Deputy Receiving Clerk
      9. Approval of Final Amended Budget / FYE 09/30/2014 Part 1 Click Here
      10. Approval of Final Amended Budget / FYE 09/30/2014 Part 2 Click Here
      11. Approve the Clerk of the Board Report Click Here
      12. Request Authority to Purchase Road Dept Vehicles Click Here
      13. Approve Utility Permits Click Here
      14. Approve Site Plan / Allied Auto Body (existing building) Click Here
      15. Approval of Chancery Clerk Fees and Expenses Click Here
      16. Approve 2014 Real Property Increases / Parcel 094C-07-014/09.00 Click Here
      17. Approval and Approval to Advertise in Accordance with State Statute / Solid Waste Report Click Here
      18. Approve GIS Contract / CMPDD Click Here
      19. Approve Nunc Pro Tunc Minutes / July 7, 2014 Click Here
      20. Authorize Annual Support IBM Renewal / Sheriff's Office AS 400 Click Here
      21. Authorize Payment of Entergy Invoices Received after Close of Docket Click Here
      22. Acknowledge MDAH Letter Regarding Canton Cemetery Click Here
      23. Approve Payment of Guardian Invoice Click Here



          Madison County Library Board

          1. Presentation

            Butler Snow

            1. Discussion of Refunding Bond and Resolution Click Here
            2. Discussion of Refunding Bond and Resolution Click Here

              Scott Weeks, Planning and Zoning Administrator

              1. Zoning Matter / Ron Hutchinson - Requests Permission to Use Site for Firework/Tree Sales/1243 Gluckstadt Rd Click Here
              2. Approval of Preliminary Plat / Western Ridge Click Here

                Rudy Warnock, Warnock & Associates, LLC

                    Mack Pigg, County Fire Coordinator

                    1. Present AMR Contract Click Here

                      Mike Espy, Board Attorney

                      1. Consideration of Firearms Ordinance Click Here

                        Mark Houston, County Administrator

                        1. Discussion of Energy Performance Contract Bids Click Here
                        2. Discussion of Poll Workers Pay Click Here
                        3. Approval of Resolution Authorizing Donation of Suplus Sand from Sulphur Springs Lake Project to Canton Public Schools Click Here

                        Shelton Vance, Comptroller

                        1. Approve Budget Amendments / October 20, 2014 Click Here
                        2. Approve General Claims Docket / October 20, 2014 Click Here
                        3. Approve Payroll Docket 1 / October 8, 2014 Click Here
                        4. Approve Payroll Docket 2 / October 13, 2014 Click Here
                        5. Approve Fleetcor Claims Docket / October 20, 2014 Click Here

                        Ronny Lott, Chancery Clerk

                          Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                            Old Business

                              New Business