Madison County, MS



December 15, 2014
4:30 p.m.




      1. Notice to Increase Assessment of 2013 Real/Personal Property Click Here


      1. Acknowledge Receipt of Spotting Scopes to Sheriff's Dept / Germantown High School Click Here
      2. Request Authority to Advertise for Tractor Trucks Click Here
      3. Acknowledge Cost Sharing of Employees Click Here
      4. Approve Nunc Pro Tunc Minutes / August 4, 2014 Click Here
      5. Approve 16th Section Land Lease Contracts Click Here
      6. Approve Road Claim / Yulanda Davis - $373.42 - Gluckstadt Road Click Here
      7. Acknowledge 5K/10K Race / Germantown High School Click Here
      8. Approve Refund to Natasha Allen / Cancellation of Use of Gazebo - $25.00 Click Here
      9. Acknowledge Tax Year 2014 Manufactured Homes & Personal Property Insolvencies Click Here
      10. Approval of Constable Fees Click Here
      11. Approve Contract with C-Spire / Radio Upgrade Click Here
      12. Approve 2014 Real Property Increases / Signed Click Here
      13. Approve 2014 Real Property Increases / Unsigned Click Here
      14. Approve 2014 Real Property / Varied Years /Class 2 -Removed Homestead Click Here
      15. Approve 2014 Real Property Decreases Click Here
      16. Approve Request to Void Homestead Exemption Chargeback / 2013 Click Here
      17. Approve 2014 Homestead Exemptions Deletions Click Here
      18. Approve Request to Void Land Sold for Taxes Click Here
      19. Approval of Depository Bids Click Here
      20. Approve the Clerk of the Board Report Click Here
      21. Approve Maintenance Contract for Spacesaver / Justice Court Click Here
      22. Approve Petition to Rezone SU-1 to R1 / Hust Farms, LLC / Old Rice Rd & Pearl River Church Rd Click Here
      23. Approve Site Plan for Existing Business / Mac Patrick / Coker Rd Click Here
      24. Approve Holiday for December 26 in Place of December 24 Click Here
      25. Approve Personnel Matters Click Here



          Scott Weeks, Planning and Zoning Administrator

          1. Approve Request for Certificate of Occupancy / The Town of Livingston Click Here

            Rudy Warnock, Warnock & Associates, LLC

            1. Discuss Request for Stop Signs / Lake Caroline Subdivision Click Here
            2. Discuss MDOT Settlement Amended Project Schedule Click Here
            3. Request Execution of Utility Agreement / Bear Creek on Stribling Road - MS Hwy 463 Project Click Here
            4. Approval of Plat / Camden Point of Caroline Click Here

              Mark Houston, County Administrator

              1. Consider Contract / Building - Roof Click Here
              2. Discussion of Library Building
              3. Discussion of AG Opinion Request Click Here
              4. Discussion of Small Road

              Shelton Vance, Comptroller

              1. Approve Budget Amendments / December 15, 2014 Click Here
              2. Approve General Claims Docket / December 15, 2014 Click Here
              3. Approve Payroll Docket 1 / December 3, 2014 Click Here
              4. Approve Payroll Docket 2 / December 4, 2014 Click Here
              5. Approve Payroll Docket 3 / December 5, 2014 Click Here
              6. Approve Payroll Docket 4 / December 11, 2014 Click Here
              7. Approve Fleetcor Claims Docket / December 15, 2014 Click Here
              8. Discuss Grant and Budget / Adult Drug Court Click Here
              9. Approve Claim Rejection / Ergon Asphalt and Emulsions, Inc - $109.84 Click Here

              Ronny Lott, Chancery Clerk

                Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                  Old Business

                    New Business