Madison County, MS



April 6, 2015
9:00 a.m.



    1. Approve March 2, 2015 Board Minutes Click Here
    2. Approve March 16, 2015 Board Minutes Click Here



      1. Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
      2. Approve 16th Section Land Lease Contract / Madison Click Here
      3. Approve Attendance & Payment - Spring Educational Workshop / Co Admin & Comptroller / Apr 15 - 16 Click Here
      4. Acknowledge Lake Lorman Utility District Audit Report / Year Ended October 2014 Click Here
      5. Acknowledge Madison County School District's Audit Report / Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014 Click Here
      6. Acknowledge Madison County Citizen Services Agency's 2013-2014 Audit Report Click Here
      7. Approve Use of Rogers Park Click Here
      8. Approve Travel & Related Expenses - Election Comm District 2,3,4 & 5 / Chicago April 22 - 26, 2015 Click Here
      9. Approve Refund of Insurance Premium / Leroy Lacy Click Here
      10. Approve Monthly Credit Card Report - General County Click Here
      11. Approve Monthly Credit Card Report - Sheriff's Dept Click Here
      12. Approve Destruction of Old Records Click Here
      13. Approval of Maintenance Contract - ESRI / GIS Click Here
      14. Authorize BOS, Chancery Clerk, Co Admin., Comptroller, Board Att., & Co. Eng. to Attend MAS Convention / June 15-18 Click Here
      15. Approval of Support Contract Renewal / SO Server Click Here
      16. Approval of Constables Report Click Here
      17. Approve 16th Section Land Lease Contract / Canton Click Here
      18. Approve Persimmon Burnt Corn Water District Request Click Here
      19. Award Lease-Purchase Financing for Road Dept Equip to Hancock Bank; Approve Related Docs, & Authorize Board Pres to Execute Same Click Here
      20. Acknowledge Southwest Madison Co Fire 2014 Year-End Financial Report Click Here
      21. Approve Change to Road Registry Click Here
      22. Authorize Board President to Execute MDHS Signature Form Click Here
      23. Acknowledge Court Order Approving Payment to Special Master Click Here
      24. Acknowledge Supreme Court Order Regarding Justice Court Judge Bill Weisenberger Click Here
      25. Approve 2014 Personal Property Increases / Signed Click Here
      26. Approve 2014 Personal Property Decreases Click Here
      27. Approve Request to Void Homestead Exemption Chargeback / Hunter - 2013 Click Here
      28. Approve 2014 Homestead Exemptions / Amended Applications Click Here
      29. Approve 2014 Homestead Exemptions Deletions Click Here
      30. Approve 2014 Real Property Increases / Unsigned Click Here
      31. Approve 2014 Real Property Increases / Signed Click Here
      32. Approve Real Property Decreases Click Here
      33. Approve Damage Claim / Johnnie Brown - $200.10 Click Here
      34. Approve Sale of Old Road Dept Equipment Click Here
      35. Approve Audit Risk Letter Click Here
      36. Approve Audit MDA Letter Click Here
      37. Approve Audit Representative(s) Letter Click Here
      38. Approve Unmarked Vehicle - Utilized for Adult Drug Court Click Here
      39. Authorize Donation of Inventory Click Here
      40. Declare Certain Inventory Items as Surplus and Delete from Inventory Click Here
      41. Approve Petition to Rezone A-1 to R-2 / Stribling Rd Extention - Patrick Rowland Click Here
      42. Approve Petition to Rezone R-1 to C-1 / Church Rd - Kedd LLC Click Here
      43. Acknowledge Victim Assistance Coordinator Court Order Click Here
      44. Acknowledge Road Dept Monthly Report / March 2015 Click Here
      45. Acknowledge Road Dept Service Call Schedule / April 2015 Click Here
      46. Acknowledge Road Dept Closed Call Analysis Report / March 2015 Click Here
      47. Approve Road Dept Culvert Requests / March 2015 Click Here
      48. Approve Utility Permits Click Here
      49. Approve Re-Appointment of Neal Riley to MCCSA Board
      50. Approve Refund to Trimarkious McLeod / Cancellation of Use of Gazebo - $25.00 Click Here
      51. Approve Co-sponsoring Ridgeland & Madison Household Hazardous Waste Days & Associated Contracts Click Here
      52. Approve Blue Cross Invoice and Authorize Payment / $82, 304.19 Click Here



          City of Canton Police Department

          1. Presentation / JAG Grant Click Here

            Scott Weeks, Planning and Zoning Administrator

            1. Approve Preliminary Plat - Martinique Part 2A and 2B Click Here
            2. Approve Request to Construct Residence on Nonconforming Lot / Henry Rosell - Cane Creek Rd Click Here

              John Bell Crosby - Supervisor, District 1

              1. Discussion of Lost Rabbit Urban Renewal District Click Here

                Rudy Warnock, Warnock & Associates, LLC

                1. Discussion of 2015 Road Plan
                2. Discussion of Lot 19 Camden Court Click Here
                3. Authorize Advertisement of Yandell Road Reconstruction
                4. Authorize Advertisement of North Highland Colony Parkway Reconstruction
                5. Request Authority to Advertise Hwy 463 at Hwy 22 Intersection
                6. Project Update on Reunion Settlement Road Improvements Click Here
                7. Discussion of Kemper Creek Variance Click Here

                  Mike Espy, Board Attorney

                  1. Discussion of Lake Harbour Interlocal Agreement Click Here
                  2. Discussion of Resolution Setting Public Hearing for Grandview Development Project (Sam's Club TIF) Click Here

                    Mark Houston, County Administrator

                    1. Acknowledge Deed and Authorize Payment – South Madison County FPD Click Here

                    Shelton Vance, Comptroller

                    1. Approve Budget Amendments / April 6, 2015 Click Here
                    2. Approve General Claims Docket / April 6, 2015 Click Here
                    3. Approve Payroll Docket 1 / March 25, 2015 Click Here
                    4. Approve Payroll Docket 2 / March 27, 2015 Click Here
                    5. Approve Payroll Docket 3 / March 27, 2015 Click Here
                    6. Approve Fleetcor Claims Docket / April 6, 2015 Click Here

                    Ronny Lott, Chancery Clerk

                      Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                        Old Business

                          New Business