Madison County, MS



July 6, 2015
9:00 a.m.



    1. Approve June 1, 2015 Board Minutes Click Here
    2. Approve June 22, 2015 Board Minutes Click Here



      1. Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
      2. Acknowledge Canton Sales and Storage Construction Click Here
      3. Approval of Planning Commissioners' Per Diem Click Here
      4. Approve Evelyn Jackson as Poll Worker; Approve Payment for Training & for Working Primary /General Election
      5. Approval of Constables' Report Click Here
      6. Approve Use of Rogers Park Click Here
      7. Approve 16th Section Land Lease Contract / Madison Click Here
      8. Acknowledge Order of Compensation and Authorize Payment / Official Court Reporters Click Here
      9. Acknowledge Court Order Authorizing Payment To Special Master and Attorney / June 2015 Click Here
      10. Approve Monthly Credit Card Report / General County Click Here
      11. Request Authority of Advertise for Term Bids Click Here
      12. Approve Request for Refund on Tax Bill / Parcel 72H-27C-062 Click Here
      13. Approve Attendance & Payment / Labor & Employment Conference - HR Director - Aug 6-7, 2015 Click Here
      14. Approve Road Dept Culvert Requests / June 2015 Click Here
      15. Acknowledge Road Dept Monthly Report / June 2015 Click Here
      16. Acknowledge Road Dept Closed Call Analysis Report / June 2015 Click Here
      17. Acknowledge Road Dept Service Call Schedule / July 2015 Click Here
      18. Approval of Items to be Auctioned Click Here
      19. Acknowledge Letter from Dept of Public Safety Click Here
      20. Authorize Board Pres, Chancery Clerk, Board Attorney, Administrator, and Comptroller to travel to Dallas to Meet with Bond Rating Agency in July 2015


        Andrew Sly

        1. Discussion / Road Claim Denial Click Here


            Gerald Barber, Tax Assessor

            1. Present 2015 Real/Personal Property Tax Roll Click Here

              Dr. Jim Haffey and Dr. Don Burnham, Holmes Community College

              1. Presentation

                Scott Weeks, Planning and Zoning Administrator

                1. Appeal Hearing / Stillhouse Creek - Petition to Rezone R-2 to PURD Click Here
                2. Appeal Hearing / Fleet Morris Petroleum - Petition for Variance Click Here
                3. Approval of Preliminary Plat / Dixon Pass - Stribling Road Extension Click Here

                  Rudy Warnock, Warnock & Associates, LLC

                  1. Request Board Authorization to Advertise Virlilia-Patrick Road DBST & Reclamation
                  2. Present Report on Intersection Improvements / Stribling Rd Extension & Church Rd

                    Mike Espy, Board Attorney

                    1. Discussion of Madison TIF Agreement Click Here

                      Mark Houston, County Administrator

                      1. Discussion / Self-Funded Insurance Program Click Here

                      Shelton Vance, Comptroller

                      1. Approve Budget Amendments / July 6, 2015 Click Here
                      2. Approve General Claims Docket / July 6, 2015 Click Here
                      3. Approve Payroll Docket 1 / June 26, 2015 Click Here
                      4. Approve Payroll Docket 2 / June 29, 2015 Click Here
                      5. Approve Payroll Docket 3 / June 30, 2015 Click Here
                      6. Approval of Election Workers Click Here
                      7. Update on ATT Franchise Fees Click Here
                      8. Approve Fleetcor Claims Docket / July 6, 2015 Click Here

                      Ronny Lott, Chancery Clerk

                        Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                          Old Business

                            New Business