Madison County, MS



September 8, 2015
9:00 a.m.



    1. Approve August 3, 2015 Board Minutes Click Here
    2. Approve August 17, 2015 Board Minutes Click Here


    1. Madison County 2015 / 2016 Budget and Tax Levy Click Here


    1. Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
    2. Approve Use of Rogers Park Click Here
    3. Acknowledge State Auditor's Office Investigative Report for Marcus Hudson Click Here
    4. Approve 16th Section Land Lease Contract / Madison Click Here
    5. Approve Use of Historic Courtyard Grounds and Buildings / Canton Flea Market Click Here
    6. Approve Credit Card Report / Sheriff's Department Click Here
    7. Acknowledge Tax Assessor's Education & Certification Program Click Here
    8. Approval of Planning Commissioners' Per Diem Click Here
    9. Approve MOU Payment / City of Madison Click Here
    10. Approval of Constables' Report Click Here
    11. Approve Uniform Reimbursement / Tommy Jones Click Here
    12. Approve Uniform Reimbursement / Trey Curtis Click Here
    13. Acknowledge Reunion Public Improvement District - FY 2015 / 2016 Budget Click Here
    14. Approve HD Supply Credit Application Click Here
    15. Approve City of Canton's 911 Funding Request / $174,844.75 Click Here
    16. Approve Application to Pay Claim / California Contractors, Inc. Click Here
    17. Approve Application to Pay Claim / Lafarge West, Inc. Click Here
    18. Approve Application to Pay Claim / Lafarge West, Inc. Click Here
    19. Award Term Bids / Oct 2015 - Sept 2016 Click Here
    20. Approve Application to Pay Claim / Puckett Machinery Company Click Here
    21. Approval of Poll Worker Payment Click Here
    22. Approve Road Dept Culvert Requests / August 2015 Click Here
    23. Acknowledge Road Dept Service Call Schedule / September 2015 Click Here
    24. Acknowledge Road Dept Monthly Report / August 2015 Click Here
    25. Acknowledge Road Dept Closed Call Analysis Report / August 2015 Click Here
    26. Approve Payment of $336,582.71 to City of Ridgeland Pursuant to MOU Click Here
    27. Reject Bid for Virlilia Road Improvements Click Here
    28. Approve the Purchase of Monarch Software and Authorize Payment Click Here
    29. Approve Claim Rejection / APAC Mississippi, Inc. Click Here
    30. Approve Claim Rejection / Custom Product Corp Click Here
    31. Approve Claim Rejection / Ozborn Communications Click Here
    32. Approve Naming of Road / Gemerson Rd Click Here
    33. Approve Out of State Travel Request / Gerald Barber - C.J. Garavelli / Louisville, KY - Oct 5-9 2005 Click Here
    34. Approve USDA Beaver Control Agreement and Authorize Board President to Execute Click Here
    35. Approve AT&T Service Contract for Emergency Management Complex Click Here


      Chris Jones

      1. Discuss Smith-Carr Road


          Bob Montgomery

          1. Discussion of Saab Park Property Click Here

            Gerald Steen, Supervisor - District 3

            1. Update on Highland Colony North Project
            2. Update on Highland Colony South Project
            3. Update on Robinson Springs Road Project

              Scott Weeks, Planning and Zoning Administrator

              1. Approve Request for Conditional Use / Fireworks Sell / C2 - 238 Weisenberger Rd Click Here
              2. Approve Special Exception Request / Outdoor Advertising Billboards (2) / Mid-South Investments Click Here
              3. Approve Application for Variance Reduction / Landscape Buffer - 15 feet to 3 feet Click Here
              4. James K. Smith / Racetrack Discussion Click Here

                Rudy Warnock, County Engineer

                1. Discussion of Virlilia Road Bids Click Here
                2. Final Plat on Longleaf Phase 3 Click Here
                3. Discussion of Amendment to Waggoner Engineering Contract Click Here

                  Mark Houston, County Administrator

                  1. Consideration of Historic Courthouse Change Order Click Here

                  Shelton Vance, Comptroller

                  1. Approve Budget Amendments / September 8, 2015 Click Here
                  2. Approve General Claims Docket / September 8, 2015 Click Here
                  3. Approve Payroll Docket 1 / August 26, 2015 Click Here
                  4. Approve Payroll Docket 2 / August 27, 2015 Click Here
                  5. Approve Payroll Docket 3 / August 27, 2015 Click Here
                  6. Approve Fleetcor Claims Docket / September 8, 2015 Click Here
                  7. Approve Election Workers / 9 -3-2015 Click Here

                  Ronny Lott, Chancery Clerk

                  1. Certification of Candidates for Election Commission Click Here
                  2. Request to Object to Homestead Disallowance Click Here

                  Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                    Old Business

                      New Business

                        Executive Session

                        1. Matters of Litigation