Madison County, MS



February 16, 2016
5:00 p.m.




      1. Notice to Increase Assessment of Real/Personal Property Click Here
      2. Appeal Hearing / Bobby Brown Click Here


      1. Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
      2. Approve Correcting of the April 7, 2008 minutes / Zoning Matter Click Here
      3. Approve ES&S Technical Support Agreement & Authorize Board President to Execute Same (March 8 Pres. Primary) Click Here
      4. Approve Void 2014 Tax Sale/Parcel No. 092F-13D-410/00.00 Click Here
      5. Approve Void 2014 Tax Sale / Isaiah Thompson Click Here
      6. Approve 16th Section Land Lease Contracts / Madison Click Here
      7. Approve Use of Historic Courthouse Grounds Click Here
      8. Approve Notification of Intent to Apply for Federal Assistance for Transportation / MCCSA Click Here
      9. Approve Travel & Attendance / Dan Gaillet & Cornelius Bacon - MSU 2016 Road Conference Click Here
      10. Approve Purchase / In-Car Laptop & Equipment - Constable Brad Harbor Click Here
      11. Approve Clerk of the Board Report Click Here
      12. Declare Surplus Property and Approve Deletion of Inventory Items Click Here
      13. Approve February 2016 Travel Card Reconciliation Report and Authorize Payment of Same Click Here
      14. Acknowledge Order Appointing Special Master to Hear Petitions for Temporary Relief Click Here
      15. Acknowledge Order of Compensation and Authorize Payment / Official Court Reporter Click Here
      16. Approve 2015 Real Property Increases / Signed Click Here
      17. Approve 2015 Real Property Increases / Unsigned Click Here
      18. Approve Real Property Increases / Years Varied - Class 2 Removed Homestead / Unsigned Click Here
      19. Approve 2015 Homestead Exemptions Deletions Click Here
      20. Acknowledge Receipt of Donation from Walmart / Sheriff's Department Click Here
      21. Request Approval for Signature Authority for JAG Subgrant / Amy Nisbett Click Here
      22. Approval of Closeout / Juvenile Drug Court Subgrant No 140C1451 Click Here
      23. Approve Payment / Pollworker Training Click Here
      24. Approval of Planning Commissioners' Per Diem Click Here


        Jacquelyn Allen

        1. Discussion - Problems on West Sowell Rd

          Jeff Knight

          1. Discussion / Unfinished Work on Old Orchard Rd

            BUSINESS ITEMS:

              Thad Varner, Butler Snow

              1. Approve Resolution for Refunding of 2008 Bonds Click Here

                Scott Weeks, Planning and Zoning Administrator

                    Ulessiah Johnson, AOP

                    1. Discussion Regarding MDHS Report of Findings - Youth Services Click Here

                      Norman Cannady, Madison County Tax Assessor

                      1. Approval of Legal Services Contract for Attorney for Tax Assessor Click Here

                        Butch Hammack, Emergency Management Director

                        1. Discussion / Authority for Chancery Clerk to Declare Emergency
                        2. Consideration of Appointment / CMPDD Hazard Mitigation Committee

                          Dan Gaillet, County Road Manager / County Engineer

                          1. Discussion / Engineering Services Contracts Click Here
                          2. Discussion / Action Regarding Traffic Study Click Here
                          3. Discussion - Greens Crossing / Weight Limit Click Here
                          4. Request Approval to Advertise for Engineering Services / Bozeman Rd Widening & Reunion Parkway
                          5. Presentation of Final Plat / Martinique
                          6. Approval of Yandell Road Pay Request Click Here

                            Katie Bryant Snell, Board Attorney

                            1. Discussion / Pamela Hancock
                            2. Discussion / Action - Approval of David Mockbee Contract Click Here
                            3. Discussion / Action –Attorney for Election Commission and Outstanding Invoices for Evans and Flatgard Click Here

                              Tony Greer, County Administrator

                              1. Presentation of Revitalization Project in Canton / Madison County Click Here
                              2. CMU Grant Payment - Moss Road East Sewer Payment Click Here
                              3. Ratification of J H & H Contract Regarding Circuit Courthouse Click Here
                              4. Permission to Close White Goods / Tire Reclamation Site - Flora
                              5. Discussion / Action - Release of South Madison Fire District Escrow Funds
                              6. Confirmation of Department Heads
                              7. Update / Action Board Retreat

                              Shelton Vance, Comptroller

                              1. Approve Budget Amendments / February 16, 2016 Click Here
                              2. Approve General Claims Docket / February 16, 2016 Click Here
                              3. Approve Payroll Docket 1 / February 1, 2016 Click Here
                              4. Approve Payroll Docket 2 / February10, 2015 Click Here
                              5. Approve Payroll Docket 3 / February10, 2015 Click Here
                              6. Approve Fleetcor Claims Docket / February 16, 2016 Click Here
                              7. Approve Claim Rejection / LeFoldt & Company Click Here
                              8. Approve Poll Worker Payments Click Here
                              9. Approval of AT&T Invoices Click Here

                              Ronny Lott, Chancery Clerk

                                Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                                1. Discussion / Action - Law Enforcement Liability Policy Renewal Proposal Click Here

                                Old Business

                                  New Business