Madison County, MS



September 18, 2017
5:00 pm



    1. Approve September 5, 2017 Board Minutes




        1. Increased Assessments Real / Personal Property Click Here


        1. CA - Approve Sublease Agreement for Madison County WIN Job Center Click Here
        2. CA - Approve 16th Section Land Lease Contracts / Madison Click Here
        3. CA - Approve Request to Attend October 2017 Veteran Service Officers Training and Related Travel Expenses / Logue / Kelley Click Here
        4. B&G - Approve Gluckstadt Fire Department #3 Pay Application 1 Click Here
        5. B&G - Approve EarthCon Consultants, Inc. Asbestos Inspection Proposal / Former Madison County Medical Center Click Here
        6. PC - Approve Payment of $5,000.00 ($1,000 per Invoice) to ES&S as Full Settlement on Five Old Invoices Click Here
        7. PC - Approve September 2017 Travel Card Reconciliation Report and Authorize Payment of the Same Click Here
        8. EMA - Approve Badgepass Maintenance Agreement and Authorize Payment Click Here
        9. EMA - Approve Road Registry / Plat Ratification from the City of Ridgeland Click Here
        10. EMA - Approve Road Claim / Virlilia Road / Wilder Click Here
        11. TA - Acknowledge 2018 Ortho Interlocal Agreement - Approved by AG and Filed with SOS Click Here
        12. TA - Approve 2017 Homestead Amended Applications Click Here
        13. TA - Approve 2017 Personal Property Increases Signed Click Here
        14. TA - Approve 2017 Personal Property Decreases Click Here
        15. RD - Approve request to Attend MS Association of Supervisors Fall Educational Workshop and Related Travel Expenses / Bacon Click Here
        16. RD - Approve Cspire Utility Permits / Harfield Subdivision Click Here


          Paul Griffin, District 5 Supervisor

          1. Camden Fire Protection District

            BUSINESS ITEMS:

              Thad Varner, Butler Snow, and Steve Pittman , Government Consultants

              1. Moody 's Investor Service Bond Rating Click Here
              2. Adopt Resolution General Obligation Road and Bridge Bonds Click Here
              3. Adopt Sale Resolution General Obligation Road and Bridge Bonds Click Here

                Bob Montgomery, Esq.

                1. Lake Crossing Subdivision

                  Carl Allen, Planning and Zoning Director

                  1. Westlake Subdivision, Phase 1 Click Here
                  2. Thornberry Subdivision, Phase 1 Click Here

                    Dan Gaillet, County Road Manager /County Engineer

                    1. Deerfield Reconstruction Click Here
                    2. Harvey Crossing Reconstruction Click Here
                    3. Reunion Parkway and Highland Colony Parkway / Supplemental Agreement # 3 Click Here
                    4. Reunion Parkway and Highland Colony Parkway / Change Order # 1 Click Here
                    5. Reunion Parkway and Highland Colony Parkway / Supplemental Agreement # 1 Click Here
                    6. Approve Advertisement for Virlilia Road West Improvements Click Here

                      Shelton Vance, County Administrator

                      1. Review Keep Canton Beautiful Proposal Click Here
                      2. Approve Gluckstadt Fire Station #3 Change Order #2 Additional Undercut and Backfill Click Here
                      3. Approve Quote / ES&S / November 7, 2017 Special Election Click Here
                      4. Approve Statement of Work with HiComp Click Here
                      5. Authorize Execution of Woodcreek Homes Tax Credit Application Click Here

                      Buddy Voelkel, Comptroller

                      1. Approve Budget Amendments / September 18, 2017 Click Here
                      2. Approve General Claims Docket / September 18, 2017 Click Here
                      3. Approve Payroll Docket 1 / September 5,2017 Click Here
                      4. Approve Payroll Docket 2 / September 6, 2017 Click Here
                      5. Approve Payroll Docket 3 / September 13, 2017 Click Here
                      6. Approve Fleetcor Claims Docket / September 11, 2017 Click Here
                      7. Approve 2016 Colony Park TIF Payment / $804,912 Click Here
                      8. Declare Property as Surplus and Authorize Disposal Click Here
                      9. Declare Supplies as Surplus and Authorize Disposal Click Here

                      Ronny Lott, Chancery Clerk

                        Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                          Old Business

                            New Business

                            1. Declare Property as Surplus and Authorize Disposal Click Here
                            2. Approve and Authorize Execution of Work Initiation Document for Wildlife Damage Management (Beaver Control) Click Here