Madison County, MS



January 21, 2020
5:00 P.M.



    1. Approve January 6, 2020 Board Minutes



      1. Commissioner Willie Simmons, MS Department of Transportation
      2. Mississippi Engineering Group - Reunion 2 Phase B Click Here
      3. Mississippi Engineering Group - Reunion 2 Phase B - Contract Click Here
      4. Stantec Consulting
      5. Neel Schaffer Engineers - Bozeman Road Click Here
      6. Neel Schaffer Engineers - Gluckstadt Road Click Here
      7. Approval of Contract for Professional Services / Mike Espy Click Here
      8. Board Appointments Click Here
      9. Adrian Benson
      10. Walter Reed
      11. John Jackson Click Here
      12. Alvin Cox


      1. Notice to Increase Assessment of Real/Personal Property Click Here


      1. HR- Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
      2. B&G - Approve Use of Courthouse Grounds - Bonner Click Here
      3. B&G - Acknowledge Cancellation of Periodic Maintenance Service Agreement - TAW Power Systems, Inc. Click Here
      4. CA - Approve Travel and Related Expenses for Analysis of MS Worker's Compensation Law / Vance, Phillips & Griffin / Ridgeland, MS / Feburay 12, 2020 Click Here
      5. CA - Approve Travel and Related Expenses TimeClock Plus National Summit 2020 / Phillips, Griffin & Hawkins / San Antonio, TX / March 29 - March 31, 2020 Click Here
      6. CA - Approval of Department Employee as Assistant Purchase Clerk Click Here
      7. CA - Approval of Department Employees as Assistant Receiving Clerk Click Here
      8. CA - Acknowledge Audit Report Fiscal Year Ended - September 30, 2018 Click Here
      9. CA - Acknowledge 2020 Community Development Block Grant Notice From CMPDD Click Here
      10. CA - Acknowledge CMPDD 2018 - 2019 Annual Report Click Here
      11. CA - Acknowledge Request for Purchase of Gift Cards Click Here
      12. CA - Approve Request for Payment of Annual Dues MAS-MC (Mississippi Association of Supervisors - Minority Caucus) Click Here
      13. CA - Approve Agreement with Butler Snow for Continuing Disclosure Services Related to Public Debt Click Here
      14. CA - Approve Waste Tire Grant WT618 Request for Cash and Authorize Board President to Execute Same Click Here
      15. CA - Approve Fastenal DIP Grant Job Report and Authorize Board President to Execute Same Click Here
      16. CA - Acknowledge CMPDD Appointment Request Click Here
      17. CA - Approve mileage reimbursement rate of $0.575 Click Here
      18. CA - Approve Resolution for Payment of PERS Employer Contribution for Chancery Clerk, Circuit Clerk and Constables Click Here
      19. COMP - Approve Clerk of the Board - November 2019 Click Here
      20. COMP - Declare Supplies as Surplus and Authorize Disposal Click Here
      21. COMP - Declare Property as Surplus and Authorize Disposal Click Here
      22. EMA - Approve Travel and Related Expenses for 2020 Emergency Preparedness Conference / Albert Jones & Abonie Robicheaux / Lake Buena Vista, FL / April 22-23, 2020 Click Here
      23. ENG - Approve Final Acceptance Letter - Reunion Parkway and Highland Colony Parkway Overlay Project and Authorize Board President to sign Click Here
      24. ENG - Approve Travel and Related Expenses for 2020 DSITE Winter Conference / Tim Bryan / Hattiesburg, MS / January 30-31, 2020 Click Here
      25. ENG - Approve AT&T Utility Permit - Church Road Click Here
      26. ENG - Approve AT&T Utility Permit - Gluckstadt Road Click Here
      27. ENG - Approve cSpire Utility Permit - Enterprise Drive Click Here
      28. ENG - Approve cSpire Utility Permit - Old Natchez Trace Click Here
      29. PC - Approve January 2020 Procurement Card Reconciliation and Authorize Payment Thereof Click Here
      30. PC - Approve January 2020 Travel Card Reconciliation and Authorize Payment Thereof Click Here
      31. PC - Approval of Department Employees Authorized to Submit Purchase Requisitions Click Here
      32. RD - Approve PubWorks Annual Support & Maintenance Click Here
      33. TA - Approve 2019 Real Property Increase - Signed Click Here
      34. TA - Approve 2019 Real Property Decreases Click Here
      35. TA - Approve 2019 Homestead Exemption Amended Applications Click Here
      36. TC - Approve Void of 2019 Tax Sale - Parcel 072B-10B-001/01.39 Click Here


        Paul Griffin, District 5

        1. Comptroller


          1. Butler Snow Federal Legislation Monitoring Services Click Here

          Kesha Buckner, Purchase Clerk

          1. Award Bridge Construction Click Here

            Tim Bryan, County Engineer

            1. Request for Time Extension Reunion 3 Click Here
            2. Request for Time Extension Bozeman Road Click Here
            3. Coventry Final Plat, Part 2 Click Here
            4. Villas of Bridge Water Final Plat, Phase 1 Click Here
            5. Mendrop Engineering Resources, LLC - Work Order # 25 Click Here

              Kay Pace, Tax Collector

              1. Parcel 072C-06A-005/04.00 Click Here
              2. Contract for the Collection of Indebtedness Owed - Central MS Court Collections Click Here
              3. Contract for Temporary Staff - TempStaff Click Here

                Election Commission

                1. Election Systems and Software, LLC Click Here

                  Pamela Hancock, County Prosecutor

                      Howard Brown, Madison Co. Democratic Executive Party

                      1. Request for Assistance Click Here

                        Shelton Vance, County Administrator

                        1. Request from Carroll County Sheriff Click Here
                        2. Reunion 2 State Funds
                        3. Gov Deals Auction Contract Click Here
                        4. Circuit Court / Adult Drug Court Order Click Here
                        5. Authorize Change of Authorized Signature – MDA Fastenal DIP Grant Click Here


                        1. Approve Budget Amendments & Interfund Cash Transfers Click Here
                        2. Approve General Claims Docket - January 16, 2020 Click Here
                        3. Approve Payroll Docket - 1 / January 6, 2020 Click Here
                        4. Approve Payroll Docket - 2 / January 8, 2020 Click Here
                        5. Approve Payroll Docket - 3 / January 13, 2020 Click Here
                        6. Approve Planning & Zoning Commission Per Diem - January 9, 2020 Click Here
                        7. Approve Fleetcor Claims Docket - January 16, 2020 Click Here

                        Ronny Lott, Chancery Clerk

                        1. Approve 16th Section Land Lease Contracts Click Here

                        Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                          Old Business

                            New Business

                            1. Adjourn Until Next Meeting - February 3, 2020 - 9:00 A.M.