Madison County, MS



January 16, 2024
9:00 A.M.



      Chancery Clerk, Ronny Lott

      1. Approve January 2, 2024 Board Minutes



          1. Spence Flatguard-Primary Election Agreements
          2. Dr. Flonzie Brown Wright & John Spann, Mississippi Humanities Council Program Officer - Freedom Trail Marker Award
          3. Stephanie B. Smith- Report on Tax Collector Accounting Click Here


            Scott Weeks, Planning & Zoning

            1. Chad Phillips - Appeal Hearing - Location 3265 Hwy 22 -PUD C-1 Commercial / Supervisor District 4 / Approved Planning & Zoning 10/19/2023 - Appeal Hearing tabled from 12/4/2023 Click Here

              CONSENT ITEMS:

              1. HR - Approve Personnel Matters Click Here
              2. HR - Approve Madison County Grievance Procedure under the ADA Click Here
              3. HR - Acknowledge SHRM Regional Council Business Meeting 2024 / Phillips / February 8-10, 2024 Click Here
              4. B&G - Approve Renewal of County Pest Control Agreement Click Here
              5. CA - Approve Travel and Related Expenses for Mississippi Coroner Medical Examiner 2024 Winter Conference / Alex Breeland, Joel Shows & Donnie South / Flowood, MS / January 17-19, 2024 Click Here
              6. CA - Authorize Board President to Execute Request for Extension-EWP Project Click Here
              7. CA - Authorize Board President to Sign Notice of Intent for Madison County Citizens Services Click Here
              8. ChClrk - Approve 16th Section Land Leases Click Here
              9. ChClrk - Acknowledge Department Of Revenue Certificate of 2023 Tax Loss Certificates Click Here
              10. CirClrk - Acknowledge Certification of Candidate Petition Signatures County Registrar Click Here
              11. ChClrk - Approve Request to Void Various Tax Sales Click Here
              12. COMP - Approve MegaSite Alliance Fire Protection District Per Diem and Authorize Payment - January 2024 Click Here
              13. COMP - Declare Property as Surplus and Authorize Disposal Click Here
              14. COMP - Approve Request for Payment From Mississippi Development Authority Industry Incentive Financing Revolving Fund Click Here
              15. COMP - Approve ACA Electronic Filing Agreement with Delta Computer Systems Inc Click Here
              16. COMP - Approve Bozeman Road (MS 463 and North) Quarterly Report to DFA ($5m SB 2971) and Authorize Board President to Execute Click Here
              17. COMP - Approve Bozeman Road (Hwy 463) Quarterly Report to DFA ($2.5m HB 1353) and Authorize Board President to Execute Click Here
              18. COMP - Approve Reunion Parkway Quarterly Report to DFA ($5m HB 1730) and Authorize Board President to Execute Click Here
              19. COMP - Approve Reunion Parkway Quarterly Report to DFA ($12m HB 603) and Authorize Board President to Execute Click Here
              20. COMP - Approve Reunion Phase II Quarterly Report to DFA ($8m SB 2002) and Authorize Board President to Execute Click Here
              21. COMP - Approval of American Rescue Plan Quarterly Report Click Here
              22. ElecCom - Approve Request for Reimbursement - Patricia Truesdale Click Here
              23. EMA - Approve Travel and Related Expenses for ESRI User Conference / Latashee McLaurin and Albert Jones, III / San Diego, California / July 15-19, 2024 Click Here
              24. EMA - Acknowledge Letter from Madison County Emergency Management Click Here
              25. ENG - Approve Atmos Energy Utility Permit - Yandell Road Click Here
              26. ENG - Approve Telepak Networks, Inc. / cSpire Utility Permit - Hampton Crossing / Caroline Blvd Click Here
              27. ENG - Approve Comcast Utility Permit - Camden Lake Circle Click Here
              28. PC - Approve January 2024 Procurement Card Reconciliation and Authorize Payment Thereof Click Here
              29. PC - Approve January 2024 Travel Card Reconciliation and Authorize Payment Thereof Click Here
              30. PC - Approval of Department Employee Authorized to Submit Purchase Requisitions Click Here
              31. TA - Approve 2023 Amended Homesteads Click Here
              32. TA - Approve 2023 Real Property Decreases Click Here
              33. TC - Approve Fee Agreement with Capitol Staffing Click Here
              34. TC - Approve Mississippi Secretary of State Application for Notary Service and Authorize Payment Click Here
              35. TC - Approve Travel and Related Expenses for Collector of Revenue Training / Raymond, MS / April 22-26, 2024 Click Here
              36. TC - Approve Accounting and Advisory Agreement with Grantham Poole Click Here
              37. TC - Approve Agreement with DivcoData (Diversified Companies, LLC) Click Here


                Casey Brannon, District 1

                1. Appoint Amanda Myers to Planning & Zoning Commission

                  BUSINESS ITEMS:

                    Kesha Jackson, Purchase Clerk

                    1. Award Bid - Police Pursuit Package Vehicles - Sheriff Department Click Here
                    2. Approve Declaration of Sole Source Computer Upgrades - Madison Co. Detention Center Click Here

                      Drew Ridinger, Buildings & Grounds

                      1. Madison County Courthouse - Reroof Proposal Click Here

                        Tim Bryan, County Engineer

                        1. Acknowledge Amended Stribling Road Traffic Study Click Here
                        2. Yandell Road Traffic Analysis - Jonathan Kiser, Kiser Traffic and Engineering, LLC / Supervisor District 5 Click Here
                        3. 2023 Annual Report of NPDES Phase II Stormwater Program - Allen Engineering and Science Click Here
                        4. Preliminary Plat - Northshore of Caroline Part Six / Supervisor District 4 Click Here
                        5. Final Plat - Northshore of Caroline Part Six / Supervisor District 4 Click Here
                        6. Approve Travel and Related Expenses for 2024 Winter Meeting Deep South Institute of Transportation Engineers / Tim Bryan / Pearl, MS / February 1-2, 2024 Click Here

                          Scott Weeks, Planning & Zoning

                          1. Felicia Brown - Medical Hardship for Mobile Home in Residential District - Location 254 Mount Leopard Road / Supervisor District 4 Click Here
                          2. Woodlands Construction - Permit Refund $1,006.00 Click Here

                            Mike Espy, Board Attorney

                                Greg Higginbotham, County Administrator

                                1. MASIT Steering Committee Nomination Click Here
                                2. Acknowledge Madison County Fastenal (DIP) Grant Closeout Click Here
                                3. Authorize Public Defenders Joining PERS, Effective for Pay Period Beginning January 28, 2024
                                4. Authorize Budgeted Donation to Red Cross, per Section 19-5-93 Click Here
                                5. Approve New Mileage Reimbursement Rate Click Here
                                6. Acknowledge Change in Coroner Fee Click Here

                                Na'Son White, Comptroller

                                1. Approve Budget Amendments & Interfund Cash Transfers Click Here
                                2. Approve General Claims Docket - January 11, 2024 Click Here
                                3. Approve Payroll Docket - 1 / December 29, 2023 Click Here
                                4. Approve Payroll Docket - 2 / January 4, 2024 Click Here
                                5. Approve Planning & Zoning Commission Per Diem - January 2024 Click Here
                                6. Approve Fleetcor Docket - January 11, 2024 Click Here
                                7. Approve Clerk of the Board - December 2023 Click Here

                                Ronny Lott, Chancery Clerk

                                  Randy Tucker, Sheriff

                                    Old Business

                                      New Business

                                      1. Adjourn Until Next Meeting - January 29, 2024 - 9:00 a.m.